[nfbmi-talk] State Board Meeting

Fred Wurtzel f.wurtzel at comcast.net
Wed Jan 21 17:41:10 UTC 2009



As I reported earlier, our Winter board meeting will be in Detroit at the
Marriott RenCen.    We will meet on the evening of the 13th to learn the
facility so we can assist our guests to find what they want.  Our formal
board meeting will be Saturday the 14th beginning at 9:am and ending by 3
pm.  We will eat lunch in the food court to familiarize ourselves with that
area, though not all of the restaurants may be open, though some certainly
will.  Below are the instructions for booking a room for the evening of Feb.
13.  We have a block of 20 rooms, so get your reservation made soon to
assure a room at our rates.


Our block of 20 rooms is set up for at our National convention
rates--singles and doubles,

$62, triples, $66; and quads, $68.  Call 800-352-0831.  The meeting code is


I booked our room.  I used the code and it worked fine. Please use the phnbe
and code to book your room.


Warmest Regards,




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