[nfbmi-talk] Fw: answer is yes

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Thu Aug 5 18:06:55 UTC 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: joe harcz Comcast 
To: Lynnae Ruttledge RSA Commissioner 
Cc: John L Wodatch USDOJ ; Robin Jones 
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 2:05 PM
Subject: answer is yes

August 6, 2010

Here we see that DELEG and Patrick Cannon are the responsible parties for ADA compliance throughout the State of Michigan. This strikes me as most odd as I have documented they are some of the most pernicious violators of known obligations. That includes having non-compliant features in most of the buildings I've visited including those purportedly serving people with disabilities. The raised character and Braille requirements and failures to ensure program access by continuing to have non-compliant signage even in the Michigan Commission for the Blind H.Q. is very glaring. But there are other issues including those in Michigan Rehabilitation Services buildings. (Oh, yes they had non-compliant signage in their H.Q. in the Victor Office building too and the elevator controls are non-compliant there as well.

Moreover, I've documented and made complaints including today concerning documents and other web elements that are completely inaccessible to people using screen readers. And I've documented that consumers do not receive timely and accessible information from MCB. It is even denoted directly in their 2008 consumer satisfaction survey for closed cases and is readily available on MCB's own web site. Several consumers denoted in question number two that they didn't receive anything in any accessible form from application to closure! (MCB has failed to conduct its required survey for unsuccessful closures to this date by the way. But, I can only imagine that the failure to follow the effective communications requirements of the ADA, Title II, subpart e as a likely contributor to failed "closures".)

Regardless these are systemic civil rights violations of the State of Michigan, and its subsidiary DELEG along with, of course MCB and MRS.

And whereas Mr. Patrick Cannon is both the former chair of the U.S. Access Board and State ADA coordinator I must assume he is intimate with his legal requirements in these regards and that his abject violations over more than a decade not only constitute deliberate indifference to the law, but rather intentional mass discrimination with malice of forethought.

This also goes to recent firings of qualified employees who are blind and setting different standards for sighted, lesser qualified and non-disabled employees. This is disparate treatment pure and simple.

These are just some highlights of the willful and knowing mass discrimination by these entities and personnel.


Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

E-mail: joeharcz at comcast.net


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Department Name/Logo/Tagline

Letterhead, Publications, Forms, Business Cards & Badges

Phone Greetings and Messages

Organizational Structure/Contact Information

Department Video

Vision and Values

Human Resource Issues






Question: Are all DLEG agencies expected to provide accommodations for people with disabilities?


Answer: Yes. DLEG is the lead state agency to ensure that ALL state departments and agencies are in compliance with state and federal disability rights

laws. In June, 2004, Gov. Granholm appointed DLEG employee Patrick Cannon, executive director of the Michigan Commission for the Blind, to serve in the

newly-created position of State Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator. Myrtle Gregg-LaFay of Human Resources is the department's designated

ADA coordinator and can be reached at (517) 335-5824 or gregg-lafaym at michigan.gov.


Videos: DLEG Director David C. Hollister signed an Accessible Video Production Policy (effective 12/1/04) outlining the department's video captioning and

audio description requirements.

Click here for the policy.


Department Name/Logo/Tagline





How should we refer to the new department as of Dec. 8th?


Answer: The name should appear as Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth on documents. Please use an ampersand (&) for consistency. The acronym

is DLEG.


Question:  How do we get a copy of the new logo? What are the standards for using it?


Answer: We have copies of the new logo in a variety of layouts along with information on standards available in both hard copy and on CD in the DLEG Media

Office at 517.373.9280.  The logo, designed by DLEG Senior Designer Gina DiNatale Coon, received the most votes from employees amongst four finalist logos

designs. The logo appears on the department web site as of Monday, December 8, 2003.  We encourage the use of the logo on all printed and electronic material

that currently uses the CIS logo or other department logo. Again, old stock should be used up before any new printed materials are produced.  We can't

overstate how important it is for us to continue to be as frugal as possible during these tight budget times.


Question: Should we still use the “Serving Michigan…Serving You” tagline?


Answer: The tagline is being retired with the CIS name. We may be developing a new tagline in the future based on your input from the Values and Visions

sessions to reflect the new department.


Letterhead, Publications, Forms, Business Cards & Badges



Question: How do we update our letterhead templates?


Answer: All letters that are generated via computer should reflect the new department name beginning Monday, December 8, 2003. The Department of Information

Technology has provided the following instructions for updating your templates:


Editing a Word Template .dot


In Windows Explorer:

List of 2 items (contains 1 nested list)

1. Make a safety backup of the template.


2. Then open the original template using:


List of 2 items nesting level 1

A. File | Open from the menu bar.



B. Right click and select OPEN.


list end nesting level 1

list end


The template will open in edit mode in Word.




List of 4 items (contains 1 nested list)

3. The name of the template should display in the title bar with the .dot extension.


4. Make the changes.


5. For Changes in the Header(s) and Footer(s):


List of 4 items nesting level 1

A. Select View|Header and Footer from the menu bar.


B. Moving between header and footer is done by the “Header and Footer” toolbar buttons.


C. Make changes as needed.


D. Click Close in the “Header and Footer” toolbar.


list end nesting level 1

6. Save the template.

You do not need to Save-as unless you are saving it as a new template name.

Pop-up boxes should work exactly the same as before, if they were not changed.


list end


Test the template at least 2 times.


If you have any problems, contact DIT Service Center (241-9700)


Question: What should we do with the letterhead and materials we have in stock?


Answer: No existing letterhead or forms should be thrown away.  Please continue to use up old stock.  You can xxxx out the incorrect department name and

type in the new name.  You might want to consider adding a line about the new department in the body of letters to alert customers about the change.


As stocks are depleted, new stationery can be ordered.  The new logo will not be used on the letterhead.  Rather, we will continue to use the state seal

and the layouts presently in use, only the department name will change.  We can provide examples of letterhead layouts for those needing them.


On forms you can either xxx out the old department name or consider using a sticker indicating the new name.




Question: Are there any requirements for publications?


Answer: Yes. All DLEG publications must meet the same requirements that CIS had in the past as outlined in Form C-48 “Printing Approval Requirements for


Click here for a copy of the form.

The requirements are in place to ensure consistency in all publications so we can better serve and inform our customers. Please remember that we can only

print in black ink to help save on state costs.




Question: Should we order new signs?


Answer: Due to budget constraints many signs for the department will not be changed right away.  Please consider posting a sign or having flyers available

alerting people that the department name has changed but our dedication to quality services has not!


Business Cards


Question: Should we order new business cards?


Answer: Please use up whatever business cards you have in stock. If you need to reorder, the business cards will have to meet DMB specifications, which

are posted online at:





State IDs


Question: Should I change my state ID?


Answer: People SHOULD NOT request new ones. We'll keep using the old IDs for the foreseeable future.




Question: Should I get a new badge?


Answer: If a worker safety program or enforcement program requires items such as badges to be carried, new ones may be ordered with prior approval from

the Director’s Office. Please submit all orders associated with name change requests to Allan Pohl, Finance and Administrative Services, to obtain the

proper approval.


Phone Greetings and Messages



Question: How should we greet customers via phone?


Answer: Receptionists and others who answer phones should be reminded to answer the phone using the new department name.  All automated messages should

also be updated to reflect the new department name as well. Individuals should also be encouraged to update their voice mail messages as well.


Organizational Structure/Contact Information



Question: What is the new DLEG Organization Structure? How do we direct calls?


Answer: The only reporting changes that have changed are at the Bureau Director or 18 levels.


Department Video



Question: Are there materials available providing an overview of the new department?


Answer: our in-house Media Technology production staff produced a video overview of the new department.  Copies of the video will be available through bureau

director's offices.  You can also contact Veronica Armstead via email

ArmsteadVeronicaT at michigan.gov

or phone at 313-456-2930.


Vision and Values



Question: Is there any information available on the Visions and Values?


Answer: Please look for an update soon from the department's Vision and Values Team regarding the development of the new department's mission, vision and



Question: What are the Guiding Principles for DLEG?


Answer: Since all employees are sharing their values and visions with him, DLEG Director David C. Hollister wishes to share his guiding principles and leadership



Guiding Principles and Underlying Assumptions


1. We must live within limited resources - growth essential


2. We must build on our strength - we must protect our core industries like manufacturing, tourism,


furniture, pharmaceuticals and agriculture while continuing to diversify


3. We must invest in our infrastructure/cutting edge technology


4. We must incorporate: Life long learning, Training, Re-training - in everything we do


5. We must nurture diversity and attract high tech knowledge workers (especially immigrants)


6. We must reinvest in core cities/communities (large and small)


These six principles will be guided by a style of leadership that is:


• Inclusive


• Collaborative


• Can do/problem solving


• Focuses on win-win partnerships


Question: What if I have a comment, suggestion or question for Director Hollister?


Answer: Director Hollister appreciates your feedback. Please go to


and click on David C. Hollister Biography, then “A Note to the Director” to submit your comments, questions or suggestions to Director Hollister.


Human Resource Issues:




Question: Will there be layoffs?/change in management? Combining of programs?


Answer: No layoffs are anticipated for the department as a result of the DLEG executive order.  The combination of programs is expected to change the top

level reporting structure for the groups.  For example, the larger organizations like Career Development moving into DLEG will have the top managers reporting

to one of the DLEG Chief deputies.  For smaller units, like the Fire Marshal they will be reporting to Bureau of Construction Codes & Fire Safety staff

in the new program area.  In general, it is expected that most of the subordinate staff in the new programs will continue to report within their current



Question: Will my classification change if I am moved to a different area in the department?


Answer:  No, we expect that classes and levels will remain as they are currently.  However, Civil Service may require changes if the current staffing structure

is not supported.  We do not expect any changes to affect current pay rates.


Question: Will my pay be impacted if I am doing a different job?


Answer: We do not expect to make changes in the majority of the jobs coming to DLEG. However, Civil Service determines the proper class and level of jobs

in the state. There may be an impact if you are performing a job that is very different than the duties in your current position description.


Question: Will we be moving? Where? When?


Answer: There may be some consolidation of staff as we move forward with the transition.


Question: What forms should we use for processing personnel transaction requests after Dec. 7 or should we continue using DCD forms until they are replaced

with DLEG forms?


Answer: You should continue to use your current forms until you are notified to replace them. We will transition to a common form after we meet to merge

our Human Resources offices.


Question: Will employees receive an orientation on DLEG policies and procedures?


Answer: Yes, but in the interim, you should follow your current policies and procedures.  There will be information that will be distributed from our Media

Office, Director’s Office, OHR, Finance and other administrative areas.  This will take place over the next several months.


Question: Will there be a listing of who to contact for payroll, benefits, LOA’s, employee relations questions?


Answer: Yes, we have current listings that will be adjusted to include the new organizations coming into DLEG.


Question: Will Position Descriptions need to be updated?


Answer: Yes, some jobs will have different reporting relationships so Civil Service will require new PDs.  We do not anticipate changing all the PDs at

this time with new organizational names.  This will be updated on an ‘as needed’ basis.


Question: Will our liaisons change with Civil Service or do we continue working with the same ones assigned to DCD?


Answer: A few months ago we discussed the changes with our Civil Service team.  At that time, our current team plans to handle DLEG’s personnel activities.


Question: When will we actually merge into one department?


Answer: We will be DLEG on December 8th.  Human Resources will meet to discuss the issues regarding the operational merger on December 9th  with key stakeholders

of OFM, DMB, Civil Service, and DLEG and communicate the plan and dates soon afterwards.


Question: With the merger of Career Development, will their employees immediately fall into the pool of CIS employees?  i.e.  Will they be combined with

CIS for department transfer lists and seniority reports.


Answer:  No, we will need to combine several different reports to obtain a DLEG staff listing.  Transfer lists and seniority reports will be combined once

Labor Relations issues like secondary agreements, union groupings, and other details are negotiated.


Question: Will a personnel liaison be assigned within our agency/bureau/office--whatever we are calling them?


Answer: Yes, we will take steps to organize the new parts of DLEG just like we have treated MSHDA, BWUC and the rest of our bureaus.


Question: When do we no longer include Health Systems, Health Services, and Family Services in our transfer lists, seniority reports, and liaison lists?


Answer: We will reach some understanding on the time frames to move organizational units into and out of LEG on Tuesday, December 9th.  Details will be

released soon after the meeting.


Question: What HR policies will be followed?


Answer: New HR policies will be developed for DLEG, but in the meantime please continue to follow your current work rules.


Question: Will a new employee handbook be developed?


Answer: Yes, the new DLEG information will be compiled in some form of employee handbook.


Question: Will my email address change?


Answer: Not immediately, your current email will continue to be used.  However, it may be converted to a common system for DLEG in the future.


Question: How will my timesheet be processed?


Answer:  In the same manner that you have been using.


Question: Will my parking assignment change?


Answer:  No, you will continue to use the same parking unless you move.  Then you will need to make different arrangements.



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