[nfbmi-talk] Sign up for LEEP today!

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 19:08:25 UTC 2011

Please read this and distribute it to any interested students.
Larry Posont, President, National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
    Don't Miss a FREE Fabulous Opportunity at Oak Hill!
Sign up for LEEP today!
Register Today!

Dear Potential Students and Parent/Guardians;

Oak Hill, also known as the Connecticut Institute for the Blind, will run its sixth annual
"LEEP"  (Low vision/blind Education  Employment Program), during the summer of 2011.
The program will begin on Sunday, July 17, 2011 and end on Saturday, July 23, 2011.
Oak Hill, an accredited educational facility, is the largest non-profit private provider of services for people with disabilities in 
the state of Connecticut.

LEEP is a week long, 24/7 fully funded program for students with low vision or blindness.
There is no cost to the student however space is limited.
In order to begin the selection process, please return the attached form no later than May 1.   Selection will be determined by a 
selection committee.
We will notify you of your acceptance into the program by June 1st. Once accepted, you will be sent further information.
All applicants must be 15 to 21 years old.

Please mail the attached one page application to:
Oak Hill - Karin Agritelly, Coordinator of Oak Hill Centers
120 Holcomb Street
Hartford, CT 06112  or Fax to: 860-286-3111

Oak Hill staff are certified in the following areas:
. CPR/First Aid
. Physical/Psychological Management
. Medication Administration
. Human Rights and the Prevention of Abuse
. Infection Control
. Signs and Symptoms of Illness
. Health Care Management
. Water Safety

Oak Hill staff can also assist with Orientation and Mobility techniques.

During LEEP, the students will live on a college campus with Oak Hill staff. Students will have the opportunity to experience many 
new and exciting challenges.
Some of the program's objectives are:
. to increase knowledge via the use of assistive technology,
. to enhance daily living skills
. to gain exposure to college life
. to participate in recreational activities
. to learn job interviewing techniques
. and to increase self advocacy skills
Students will obtain skills that will enable them to make a successful transition to adulthood.

The LEEP Registration Form
More information may be found at www.neatmarketplace.org

Name:  Method of Mobility: Cane    Dog    Sighted Guide Independent
Address:  Are you able to secure and self medicate as necessary? Yes    No
Town:  What do you hope to accomplish during this program?
Zip Code:  Why do you want to attend this program?
Home Phone:   What are your current career/educational goals ?
Cell Phone:  Visual acuity:
Email:  Eye Condition:
Date of Birth:
Age as of  July 1st:  Do you own a pc or laptop?
Grade entering in Fall:  What version of Windows?
Have you attended LEEP
in the past?   What software do you use?
Are you attending another
program this summer? If yes, name of program What version of Office do you use?
Preferred media: Braille   Lg Print   Audio  Print Can you swim?
Are you independent in the
area of personal care?  How did you hear of this program?
Primary Language:  Secondary Language:

If you have any questions, please call;
Steve Famiglietti, 860-286-3100  famigliettis at ciboakhill.org or
Karin Agritelly, 860-286-3105  agritellyk at ciboakhill.org

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