[nfbmi-talk] offical board correspondence

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Dec 7 20:36:54 UTC 2011

While the NFB of Michigan Board of Directors can, and should speak for itself this is an informational post for the public record.

The NFB of Michigan Board of Directors officially and in and on the public record voted unanimously a vote of "no confidence" with and regarding to the activities of MCB Director Patrick D. Cannon of Haslett, Michigan.

Moreover, the MCB Board and the public has on the public record the wishes of NFB Michigan to have Patrick D. Cannon fired, retired and/or otherwise removed from office in several past resolutions and actions.

I'm only making these notices public now as the Directors evaluation is coming up and the will of the people, we the people should be considered and acknowledged in these regards.

By the way if so-called rival groups like say MCBVI have contrary resolutions or board actions that are contrary to those in the public domain like those of N"FB MI then I wish for them collectively to produce them and make them transparent with all the requesite votes of membership, etc.

I say this in anticipation of the likes of Joe Sibley, et al or any other representative of the affiliatestating things not voted upon by their board or he convention assembled as their own constitution suggests and thus acting in an ad hoc manner.

Now, mind all these are observations of one who is a member of NFB MI but not a Board member, and one of a former member of MCBVI which I observed from the inside acted in a certain extra-legal manner when I was a member and when it (MCBVI) did not follow or does not follow its own resolutions to this date.

It doesn't matter though for I act in this letter and in other similar matters as an individual with all the rights, duties, responsabilities, and so on endowed upon all citizens regardless of affiliation in dealing with any governmental actor or entity.

I would call for Cannon's removal because he is a clown for example as an individual. I would but then again clowns are funny and Cannon and his perfidy is not so.


Joe Harcz

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