[nfbmi-talk] Important Information Regarding the 2011 Washington Seminar

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 03:31:51 UTC 2011

 The following message is from Jesse Hartle (jhartle at nfb.org):
 Fellow Federationists:
 I am writing to you to let you know that the fact sheets for the 
 2011 Washington Seminar are now on the NFB Web site.  They can be 
 found on the "NFB 2011 Washington Seminar" page at 

                     For your convenience, the fact sheets are also attached to this 
 e-mail.  The hot issues for the 2011 seminar are:
 1.  Advocating for the Technology Bill of Rights for the Blind;
 2.  Advocating for legislation to establish an independent 
 commission to set standards for the education of all blind children 
 in America; and
 3.  Advocating for the Americans with Disabilities Business Opportunity Act.
 Please review these fact sheets in preparation for your appointments 
 during Washington Seminar.  Lauren McLarney and I would like to 
 conduct a series of conference calls in two weeks to discuss these issues.
 We are scheduling three nights for conference calls and would like 
 one expert from each state, D.C., and Puerto Rico to attend.  As the 
 affiliate president, you should designate who will represent your 
 affiliate--either you or someone else, as you wish.  If you are not 
 attending Washington Seminar this year, we strongly urge your 
 participation in these calls so that you can make sure to bring 
 vital information back to your affiliate about our legislative 
 priorities.  The days and times of the conference calls are:
 Monday evening: 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time);
 Tuesday evening: 10:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time); and
 Wednesday evening: 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time).
 We are assigning particular days to each affiliate, but you should 
 feel free to choose a different day if the day assigned does not fit 
 your schedule.  We want a distribution of affiliates that is 
 manageable on a conference call so that everyone can easily 
 participate, but we are absolutely not rigorous about the 
 assignments.  If the time assigned does not work, we only ask that 
 you e-mail Lauren or me, telling us which time you will choose.
 For Monday, January 24, 2011:  Alabama, Connecticut, District of 
 Columbia, Georgia, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nebraska, New 
 York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania,  Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South 
 Carolina, and Virginia.
 For Tuesday, January 25, 2011:  Alaska, Arizona, California, 
 Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, 
 Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, 
 Tennessee, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
 For Wednesday, January 26, 2011:  Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, 
 Kansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, 
 North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, and Wyoming.
 The conference call dial-in number is (888) 205-5513, and the 
 participant code is 413146.  Again, if the assigned day will not 
 work for you, feel free to pick among the other two and let us know 
 that you have chosen a different day.
 Finally, as you confirm Congressional appointments, you are 
 encouraged to e-mail the date, the time, and whether the member of 
 Congress is expected to attend the meeting, so the exceptional 
 Mercury Room team can provide it to our governmental affairs 
 staff.  The e-mail address is 
 hillappointments at nfb.org
 If you have questions, I have included my contact information at the 
 bottom of this message.  I look forward to seeing all of you at 
 Washington Seminar as we work toward passage of these crucial 
 issues.  Once again, thank you in advance for all of your hard work.
 Jesse M. Hartle
 Government Programs Specialist
 Phone:  (410) 659-9314, extension 2233
jhartle at nfb.org

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