[nfbmi-talk] mcb insight july 2011

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Mon Jul 11 17:54:47 UTC 2011

MCB Insight
Michigan Commission for the Blind, July 2011



In This Issue:  (Click on title to go to the complete article.)


In Service and Support

By Pat Cannon, MCB State Director, Lansing


BTBL Libraries Without Walls Conference Draws 130 Participants 

By Sue Chinault, Braille and Talking Book Library Manager, Lansing


MCB Participates in 3rd Annual Braille-A-Thon 

By Susan Turney, Communications & Outreach Coordinator, Lansing


Debbie Wilson Recognized as Flint Area Woman of Achievement

By Susan Turney, Communications and Outreach Coordinator, Lansing


B E P Profile: Luis Pena 

By Constance Zanger, B E P Manager, Lansing


James Hull Wows Crowd at Lansing Lugnuts Game June 14

By Bob Robertson, Manager of Organizational Development, Lansing




Staff News


Staff Profile: Phyllis Marshall  

By Susan Turney, Communications & Outreach Coordinator, Lansing


Staff Profile: Sherri Heilbeck

By Christine Movalson, MCB Insight Editor, Lansing, and Susan Turney



In Service and Support
By Pat Cannon, State Director, Lansing


Most of us, perhaps each and every one of us, know someone who hates their job, someone who truly dreads going to work each day.  While I have had a few unsatisfying jobs for brief periods of time in my life, I have genuinely enjoyed most of the jobs I’ve had and can honestly say that I have rarely gone to any job with dread.  Today, I enjoy work more than ever and feel badly for those who have not yet known the joy of working in an arena which feeds the soul and brings joy to the heart.


According to my interactions with our MCB colleagues, it’s evident that the vast majority of our staff feels fortunate to work in a field where we have the opportunity to help make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Each of us may offer a different explanation of why our work is satisfying to us, of how and where we find the joy in our work.  For me personally, I simply find immense satisfaction in knowing that we are effectively serving our customers—both our internal and external customers.  Whether it’s helping a client return to independence and employment, helping a B E P grad enter the food service arena, or providing important central office services to support our field staff, serving others—and each other—is clearly honorable, meaningful, and satisfying work.


Robert Greenleaf was writing about “Servant Leadership” nearly 40 years ago, and the principles he articulated in the 70s are continuing to resurface in today’s approach to management and leadership.  I have recently re-read Focused on Leadership, Servant Leadership for the 21st Century, by Larry Spears & Michelle Lawrence, and I want to share some of my impressions with you, particularly because the principles of servant leadership have been an integral part of MCB’s Vision 2020 philosophy, even though we never used the specific label of “servant leadership.”


As many of you will recall, we began our Vision 2020 journey in early 2000, inviting staff, commissioners, partners and stakeholders to join together in our strategic visioning initiative as we looked to the year 2020 and beyond to design a customer-responsive service delivery system.  One of our major goals was to “tilt” our organization from vertical to horizontal, moving away from the “top-down” management approach, moving away from the old Control Reinforcement System to a Quality Reinforcement System—a system which puts our internal and external customers at the center of all that we do.


Following are some excerpts from the Spears-Lawrence book I’ve referenced above, and I believe that you will recognize many of these principles and concepts as ones I’ve previously shared with you, as well as ones which align nicely with what we’ve been attempting to do for the past 10 years with our Vision 2020 initiative:


“Servant Leadership encourages everyone to balance leading and serving within their own lives.  It reminds people who are in leadership positions that their primary responsibility is in serving others.”  (The Michigan Commission for the Blind is attempting to create a “leaderful” organization, recognizing that one does not have to be in a position of leadership in order to exercise leadership.)


“When trust is a major objective and control is not, power must be shared.”


 “Servant Leadership means understanding the organization, in a complete, holistic way so as to have a sense for where the institution is not serving as it should.”


“It means participating as a peer on some occasions, as a facilitator on others and as a director in still others.”


 “Unlike the authoritative models in which the boss isn’t questioned, it invites constant review and evaluation of the leader and his or her actions.”


“Servant Leadership does not mean, however, that the leader is absolved of final responsibility for the effectiveness and success of the organization. Some decisions, for legal or confidentiality reasons, cannot be shared widely.  Others, where consensus cannot be reached, require a final judgment.”


“Servant Leadership simply means that, whenever possible, every effort is made to hear each voice.  It accepts that good people, if they are given good information, and share common vision and values, will make good decisions for themselves and for the organization.”


“Servant Leadership also assumes that when time constraints, legality, confidentiality or failure to reach consensus force the decision to the leader, the judgment then made reflects the leader’s best effort to serve all concerned.”


According to the authors Greenleaf, Spears and Lawrence, there are several key characteristics which are central to the development of a servant leader, including listening, empathy, healing, persuasion, creativity, trust, foresight, stewardship and commitment to the growth of people.  I trust that you will recognize these qualities in yourselves and your work, as well as qualities which are evident in your central office colleagues and the MCB staff generally.


“The desire to serve others is a natural impulse,” says author and leadership consultant Margaret Wheatley, “and anytime people in an organization are given the chance to dwell in this deep center of meaning they always reach out—they don’t move in, they reach out to embrace the World.”


If you find the topic of servant leadership to be interesting, I highly recommend this book to you and would look forward to future conversations with you on the subject.  Of course, I would also be very interested in hearing your thoughts about servant leadership and any suggestions you may have on what we, as an agency, might do better or differently to more effectively serve and support you, our most important internal customer.



BTBL Libraries Without Walls Conference Draws 130 Participants 
By Sue Chinault, Braille and Talking Book Library Manager, Lansing


The Braille and Talking Book Library held its biennial Libraries Without Walls Conference, this time titled Furthering Our Digital Journey: Books Anytime, Anywhere, on June 8, 2011.  The conference was held at the library in Lansing, and was sponsored by BTBL and the Library of Michigan Foundation. Approximately 130 patrons, educators, librarians, MCB staff, and interested friends and family attended the all-day conference. Norman R. Coombs of the Rochester Institute of Technology gave the keynote speech, which included helpful information on making documents accessible and easier to read. Participants were able to choose three workshops from a selection of 15 sessions throughout the day, and adaptive technology vendors were on hand to discuss available products.  


In addition, a proclamation was issued by Governor Rick Snyder naming June 8 Michigan Braille and Talking Book Libraries Awareness Day, stating in part, “on this day, we join with the Michigan Commission for the Blind to raise awareness of the latest accessible technologies available to Michigan citizens who have experienced vision impairment or loss.”








MCB Participates in 3rd Annual Braille-A-Thon 
By Susan Turney, Communications & Outreach Coordinator, Lansing


On June 21 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., MCB was one of 22 vendors hosting an exhibit table at the third annual Braille-A-Thon on the State Capitol lawn.  


The Braille-A-Thon was sponsored once again, as before, by the Quality Education Team for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired and Michigan Parents of Children with Visual Impairments to encourage and promote Braille education.  Although thunderstorms had been predicted, there were only a few clouds in the sky as 25 students of all ages and varying levels of Braille proficiency competed in reading and writing Braille, performed and listened to live music, and shared their stories of how Braille has been important in their lives.  


According to Geri Taeckens, one of the lead organizers, the enthusiastic students especially enjoyed the accessible Capitol tour, the Leader Dog puppies, the scavenger hunt, and the Braille contests.  A few curious people passing by stopped to check out the exhibits, and they seemed to enjoy running their fingers across pages of Braille and learning about this system of writing. Reporters from two Lansing TV stations and the local public radio station interviewed Geri Taeckens, who spoke about the importance of Braille for success in education and employment among people who are blind.  Throughout the day, food and cold drinks were available for sale from two Business Enterprise Program vendors conveniently located near the exhibit tent.


MCB has participated in all of the Braille-A-Thons to date, distributing information on MCB’s programs and services in Braille and other formats.  Although there are no definite plans yet, many students and exhibitors said they’re hoping to attend a fourth annual Braille-A-Thon.



Debbie Wilson Recognized as Flint Area Woman of Achievement
By Susan Turney, Communications and Outreach Coordinator, Lansing



Photo: Debbie Wilson holds her award, made of clear glass on a glass base and etched with her name and the words “YWCA 2011 Woman of Achievement, eliminating racism, empowering women.”


On May 12 at a gathering of several hundred members of the Flint community, the YWCA of Greater Flint honored 66 women at its 16th Women of Achievement Awards Ceremony.  This biennial event, which this year began with hors d’oeuvres and concluded with specialty coffees and desserts, honors female leaders in the community for their work to eliminate racism and empower women.  Among those recognized this year was MCB’s own Debbie Wilson, MCB Central Region Assistant Manager!  Debbie received the Woman of Achievement award in the not-for-profit organization category.  


Debbie said, “I was very honored to receive this award, as it honors women who promote diversity and service in their community.” 


Congratulations, Debbie!



B E P Profile: Luis Pena
By Constance Zanger, B E P Manager, Lansing


The Business Enterprise Program is pleased to introduce the new manager of the Victor Office Center snack bar.   The new manager is Luis Pena, a recent graduate of the Business Enterprise Program Manager Training Program. 


A new Point of Sale (P O S) system has been installed in the snack bar for use by Luis, who is DeafBlind, and for the convenience of his customers.  Customers either bring their items to the counter or use a computer by typing in their order and pushing the return key.  Luis reads the text on his own screen behind the counter, and he can provide the service or product requested.  Customers can read their total purchase price on a display.  Commission staff, most prominently James Hull, Josh Hoskins and Jim Shaw, worked together with Luis to research and develop this accessible system.  Our thanks to all for their continued teamwork and commitment to refining it.


As another option, customers can e-mail their order to Luis at qcsnackbar at att.net, and Luis will have the order ready when they arrive to pick up their purchase.  Also, from time to time, MCB DeafBlind specialist Cindy Caldwell has arranged for a sign language interpreter to work with Luis and his customers.  The system also integrates software making it accessible to blind and visually impaired customers.  Continued improvements to the accessibility component are moving forward.


With you, we look forward to watching Luis build his business.  



James Hull Wows Crowd at Lansing Lugnuts Game June 14
By Bob Robertson, Manager of Organizational Development, Lansing


Photo: James Hull throws out the first pitch, as the scoreboard behind him displays his name, lit up in giant capital letters.


Bases loaded. Bottom of the ninth. Full-count on the batter. The pitcher stares in for the sign…


Well, okay – maybe it wasn’t quite that dramatic, but it was definitely a whole lot of fun. At the annual MCB night at the Lansing Lugnuts baseball game on June 14, James Hull, assistant manager of the B E P, threw out the ceremonial first pitch prior to the start of the game. With his twin brother at his side and about 25 fellow MCB employees, family, and friends watching and cheering him on (not to mention about 4000 other spectators), James wound up and threw a perfect strike across the heart of the plate.


James was very excited about the chance to do this. It had been about 10 years since he’d thrown a baseball, so when he was asked if he’d like to throw out the first pitch, he didn’t hesitate to say yes. After a couple practice sessions, he was ready to go. As James said, “This was a chance to demonstrate to those watching that a blind person can do something others might not think they are capable of doing, and if a person wants to do something bad enough, they will figure out a way to get it done.” 


Nevertheless, James was quite relieved that the ball was across the plate, because, as he put it, “Had I thrown it wild, my family would never have let me hear the end of it.”  As it turned out, everyone in attendance was proud of our in-house pitching ace!




MCB received this letter recently from an appreciative consumer:


“I just wanted to take the time to thank all of you wonderful teachers and other folks that help the Blind and Visually Impaired at the commission. . . . As I continue to move up the federal educational and managerial food chain, YOU are the folks that helped me get my start and I appreciate you!  MCB and all of the wonderful volunteers out there that helped me as a child also helped my whole family transition into a very new and different life that may have turned out very differently otherwise.  Thank You all for being my personal “Dead Poets society”, and showing me how to seize the day, Carpe diem!” 


Another MCB consumer sent a handwritten note saying (quote) “. . . thank you for getting my finances for my hearing aids.  It was such a blessing and the difference is remarkable.”



Staff News

Seven new interns have joined the Lansing and Central office staff.  They’ll be working on various projects through September 30, with Elsie Duell as their supervisor.  Elsie hosted a welcome gathering with donuts for the interns and other MCB Victor Building staff, and everyone introduced themselves.  Here’s a little information about each intern:

·     Sharon Gooding has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Detroit Mercy College and a master’s from Central Michigan University. Most of her previous work experience has been in management positions, specifically in health care program planning, implementation, and design.  She’s also been an instructor at Spring Arbor University and University of Detroit Mercy. In the future, she’d like to work as an advocate for people who are blind and visually impaired.  She appreciates this internship opportunity with MCB.

·     Derek Grogitsky worked in the MCB Flint BEP snack bar, and he’s also done kitchen work at Goodwill.  He’s just one year out of high school, and he’s currently in community college.  He wants to get a bachelor’s degree in science, and hopes to work in computer-aided design (CAD).  He describes himself as a good problem-solver with a lot of determination, and he likes to keep active with swimming, fishing, and hunting. 

·     Sarah McAuliffe graduated from Central Michigan University with a degree in family studies and substance abuse.  She’s had previous internship experiences working at Community Mental Health and Camp Tuhsmeheta.  She’s been accepted into the master’s degree program in counseling at Western Michigan University, and she’s looking forward to a career in counseling. She describes herself as an outgoing person, and she likes to swim and dance.

·     Jermaine Milledge earned his bachelor’s degree with high honors (magna cum laude), and he’s almost finished with his master’s degree in science and administration at Central Michigan University.  He’s done tech support for Sears and K-Mart, and he’s currently doing tech support for Henry Ford Community College.  In the future, he’d like to be a college instructor or an administrator in computer-related work. Jermaine is a man who stands tall, literally, at six foot six!

·     D’Wayne Stewart is originally from Detroit, and he says he grew up as an “army brat,” traveling wherever his father was stationed including Germany, where they lived for three and a half years. D’Wayne is trained in broadcast work and radio, and he plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree in communications. He’s worked since the age of 10, beginning with a paper route followed by lawn work and shoveling snow.  In recent years, he’s worked at fast food restaurants and Cedar Point, and most of this work has been in customer service.  He’s a licensed minister, and he takes pride in not being judgmental. He wants to learn to speak another language and read and write Braille, and he looks forward to working in radio and TV in the future. He loves to sing, and he’s traveled with several choirs.

·     Felita Strickland is fifty-nine years young, raising four adopted grandkids ages seven through 15.  She has a certificate from Davenport University in office procedures and an associate’s degree in human services. Most of her work experience is in the fields of substance abuse and legal matters. She takes pride in teaching children morals and principles, and she describes herself as independent and persistent. According to Felita, she’s known as someone who likes to feed everybody, and she has a history of outstanding success with bingo!

·     Kalan Weinartz has completed three years of college at present.  He’s worked a total of 17 years in retail doing many types of work.  He was a student at the Michigan School for the Blind the year Stevie Wonder graduated, and he was surprised and delighted to find another former classmate here at MCB – Lucy Edmonds!  Kalan loves to read.  He walks a lot, and he likes to be called Kalan rather than Kal.

Elsie Duell has assigned the first round of projects to everyone.  If you would like information on how you may help or be helped, please contact Elsie at 517-335-6224.


Christine Boone has returned as Director of the MCB Training Center, and staff welcomed her with a nice reception on her first day back on June 27.  MCBTC staff are bringing her up to date on the renovations and other recent changes, especially the move of Center programs to its current, temporary home at the Clarion Hotel in Kalamazoo.


In other news in Kalamazoo there are three new teachers on staff at the MCB Training Center: Chuck Denaway, Jenny Doane, and Amber Willard.  In addition,  Leatrice Fullerton is a new MCB intern, working for the Department of Human Services in Kalamazoo.  Watch for more about these new staff members in the next edition of MCB Insight.


Marcianna Wade is a new Rehabilitation Counselor at the Flint office.  She covers Saginaw, Bay, Midland, Roscommon, Ogemaw, Iosco, Clare, Gladwin, Arenac, Isabella, and Gratiot counties. Marcianna has previously worked for Community Mental Health, and she completed an internship with MCB in the Grand Rapids office.  She has a master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling from MSU.  You can contact Marcianna at 810-760-2933 or WadeM1 at michigan.gov.


Wylea Griggs, Employment Specialist for the West Region, is leaving MCB to take a position with MRS in Muskegon.  Good luck, Wylea!


Congratulations to MCB’s two new moms!  In May and June, respectively, Christine Pada had a girl and Cherelle Alexander had a boy.  If you’ve seen or heard about the pictures making the rounds, you know how cute they are.  The babies, that is.  (Well, okay, the moms look nice, too.)



Staff Profile: Phyllis Marshall 
By Susan Turney, Communications & Outreach Coordinator, Lansing


Phyllis Marshall is the secretary at the Flint MCB office.  She’s been with MCB and the Flint office since 2002, and she’s worked for the state of Michigan since 1998, in the Department of Community Health and the Department of Labor and Economic Growth. 


Phyllis is originally from Saginaw, and she maintains strong ties with that community through her family and church, even though she lives in Flint now.  In describing herself, she says, “I’m a pretty private person.  I don’t like talking about myself.  I just do what I do.”


Once  she’s persuaded to talk about herself, it’s clear that she takes a lot of pride in her work, which includes a variety of tasks and responsibilities.  Phyllis says, “In my job, I’m mainly running the office. That includes paying bills, ordering supplies and working with vendors, taking referral information from new clients, updating information, coordinating correspondence, procurement reconciliations, creating authorizations for teachers, doing monthly and weekly reports, timekeeping, some budget work, using System 7, and answering the phone.”


What Phyllis enjoys most at the Flint office is helping clients and staff.  Phyllis explains, “I like to help people.  That’s just me, in general.  I like to share the knowledge and resources I have.”  


One task that is not her favorite is filing.  She says, “It’s just one of those things that you just have to make yourself do!  Once I get into it, it’s okay.  What I usually do is put on some music to keep it moving.  Everything else here is fine, even System 7.  I’m actually very fond of System 7.  It does what I need it to do.”


Of all the things Phyllis does, she takes particular pride in being organized and keeping good records.  Phyllis says, “If you need it, I have it, or I can find it.”  


When she’s not at work, Phyllis loves to spend time with her granddaughter.  “My granddaughter is my heart!” says Phyllis, who volunteers for field trips and other school events.


Phyllis is also very active in her church.  She says, “If I’m not at work or at home, you can find me at church.”  She keeps busy with music, choir, evangelism, the children’s ministry, and more.


Phyllis loves to cook for her large extended family and friends, and she lists her specialties as “mainly southern, like duck and dressing, potato salad, peach cobbler, sweet potato pie, and banana pudding.”  (And right now, readers of this newsletter are thinking, “How can I get invited to that Sunday dinner?”)


Speaking of talents, Phyllis also has a reputation for rescuing neglected houseplants and gardens.  Says Phyllis, “they call me ‘the plant doctor.’ I can make anything grow.” 


In her future, Phyllis plans to continue with activities in her church, perhaps take a few classes, and probably have a second career after retirement.  For now, she’s trying to do her part to help MCB grow even closer as a family because, as she says, “We spend as much time at our workplace as at home.”


So now you know that when you need a record of something purchased last year, when your geraniums are looking yellow, or when your peach cobbler is less than peachy, Phyllis can help!  And you can reach her at (810) 760-2030 or marshallp2 at michigan.gov. 



MCB Staff Profile:  Sherri Heibeck
By Christine Movalson, MCB Insight Editor, Lansing, and Susan Turney


Editor’s note:  This staff profile is an updated version of an article by Susan Turney that originally appeared in the January 2009 edition of MCB Insight.   This first-ever encore staff profile is a salute and fond farewell to Sherri Heibeck as she transfers to LARA’s Unemployment  Insurance Agency after more than 25 years of service with MCB. Thank you, Sherri.  We’ll miss you!


 Photo: Sherri Heibeck


Sherri Heibeck spent her last year with MCB as director of the MCB Training Center in Kalamazoo during an especially challenging time as the center underwent a major renovation.


Before that, Sherri was MCB’s Administrative Services Manager, located at the central administrative office in Lansing.  She began her work with the state of Michigan in 1978, and with MCB in 1986.


Sherri’s work as Administrative Services Manager included MCB’s budget, purchasing, overseeing the agency’s financial record-keeping and requests for funding, and federal reporting.  She oversaw the Business Enterprise Program and information technology for MCB staff, and she also worked with projects involving the Department of Management and Budget’s Facility Management.


Sherri said, “The thing that I’ve always liked about the commission is the diversity in my job—the fact that there’s such a variety of things to do.  Also, there’s the freedom to take on additional projects.  I was initially hired to be a data technician.  I’d check all the papers and send them on.  Later, I took classes in Lotus and set up the first spreadsheets we had here.  Early on, we had two computers and one printer in Lansing.  Julia Burdgick and I oversaw setting up the first computer local area network, back in the days before email, so our computers could communicate with each other.  I got to help with bringing in System 3 (the predecessor to the current System 7).  At the same time, I was able to get the formal education to do these things.  I had the support of my managers to do the things I was interested in, and then these tasks became a part of my job.  Every place else I worked I was there about two years.”  Sherri has been with MCB more than 25 years.


Sherry’s formal education that she refers to includes a bachelor’s degree in organizational development from Spring Arbor College and a master’s degree from Grand Valley State University in Computer Information Systems.


Even with a job she loves, not everything inspires innovation and creativity.  Says Sherri, “I’m easily bored, so I get less excited about the more routine things, like doing the budget.  When I see the counselors working with consumers, helping them change their lives, and then I’m doing the budget . . . 

I don’t really feel like I’m saving the world.”


But it’s all relative.  Sherri has a variety of work experience from her pre-government days.


Sherri explained, “Before I worked for the state, I worked at Arnold’s Drugstore in St. Johns as a cashier and counting pills.  They’re not there anymore.  When I worked for them, they were unionized and they paid pretty well.  I also ran a Lansing State Journal substation at my house, for newspaper delivery.  They’d drop the papers off at about three in the morning, I’d put all the inserts in, and the paper boys would pick up their papers.  Then sometime later in the morning a kid would knock on my door and say, ‘I’m short three papers!’  It was a good job at the time.  I did it so I could stay home with the kids.  At that time, my three boys were one, three, and six.


“I also did a short stint at Auto Owners as a claims processor.  Then I got my first job as an income tax auditor—seasonal—for the state of Michigan, and that’s how I began with state government.  1978, then I got hired on full-time.  I was there in Treasury for about two years.  Then I was with what’s now called the Department of Human Services for about two years doing claims processing for insurance, Medicare and Medicaid, to see if people had additional insurance that should be billed.”


Sherry laughed when asked about activities outside work.  She denies having any free time since coming to work for MCB.  She explained, “I don’t do a lot of other things.  Well, I visit my grandkids in North Carolina two or three times a year.  The other grandkids that are here in town, I see them a lot.  My family is close by.  I sew sometimes, like curtains and stuff for the house.  I recovered a chair, and it looks okay.  At least, people sit in it and it hasn’t ripped apart at the seams.  I paint—that’s rooms, not pictures.  I’ve been remodeling our family cottage in Houghton Lake.  I like to go to the casino.  You would think that a person who works with numbers would know that the odds aren’t good!  I win and I lose, and it balanced out last year.  I’m still called upon to do people’s taxes, for free, mostly for family.  I’m also a trustee at my church.”


Remember—this is with no free time.


When asked about her plans for the future, Sherri said, “I think I already do what I want to do right now.  I’m fine with my work, and pretty content with life the way it is!  I don’t need to wait for retirement to travel, because I use my annual leave and I travel now.  I’m pretty blessed.”


When she was Administrative Services Manager, Sherri got most of her calls from MCB staff about computers, and she gave the DIT Help Desk some good competition.  Sherri admitted, “I’m getting a little rusty, and sometimes I have to ask people to call the help desk, but I can usually fix the problem or direct people to where they need to go.”


During the past year, Sherri was director of the MCB Training Center.  On June 27, she began working for LARA’s Unemployment Insurance Agency.


In a recent email message to staff, MCB Director Pat Cannon said, “In Sherri’s many years with us, and in her work in state government for more than 30 years, Sherri has consistently served with dedication, passion and an exemplary work ethic.  Sherri has, of course, distinguished herself as our Training Center Director for the past year, coming into the role at an especially challenging and changing time – particularly so because of the renovations to the Center and the need to move Center programs to its current, temporary location.  Sherri has been up to the challenge, as always, and for these and many other reasons, she will continue to have our admiration, respect and affection.  We will miss her tremendously!”


If you want to contact Sherri to share fond memories, wish her well in her new job, or ask one more question about computers, you can still reach her at heibeckc at michigan.gov.  


MCB Insight is a bimonthly e-mail newsletter published by the Michigan Commission for the Blind (MCB) and distributed to MCB staff during the first week of odd-numbered months.  If you have articles or ideas for MCB Insight, please send them to Christine Movalson at movalsonc at michigan.gov anytime.  Your suggestions and comments are welcome.  This publication is available in alternative formats upon request to persons with disabilities.


Contributors and others assisting with this issue: Marcie Brink-Chaney, Pat Cannon, Sue Chinault, Julie Clark, Patrick Duthie, Sherri Heibeck, Carla Haynes, Connie Henshaw, James Hull, Janet McInnis, Shawnese Laury-Johnson, Lisa Kisiel, Roberta McCall, Marla McClure, Scott Norris, Bob Robertson, Jim Shaw, Gail Toda, Susan Turney, Nichole Wright, Debbie Wilson, and Constance Zanger.


Editor:  Christine Movalson, Communications & Outreach Intern, Michigan Commission for the Blind, LARA.


Associate Editor:  Susan Turney, Communications & Outreach Coordinator, Michigan Commission for the Blind, LARA.


Associate Editor:  Bob Robertson, Manager of Organizational Development, Michigan Commission for the Blind,LARA.


The Michigan Commission for the Blind, a part of the Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs, is an equal opportunity employer/program.  



Michigan Commission for the Blind

Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs

201 N. Washington Square, 2nd floor

P.O. Box 30652

Lansing, MI 48909

Voice (toll-free) 1-800-292-4200

TTY (toll-free) 1-888-864-1212





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