[nfbmi-talk] Time sensitive information regarding college funding - public comment:

Donna Posont donnabutterfly50 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 21:03:38 UTC 2011

Please read all attached emails.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Donna Posont <donnabutterfly50 at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 00:57:06 -0400
Subject: college funding
To: mcbpubliccomments at gmail.com
Cc: f.wurtzel at att.net

Hello, My name is Donna Posont. Currently I am a client of MCB
attending the University of Michigan  Dearborn. I will be obtaining a
degree in Environmental Studies with a Naturalist focus. You may be
familiar with my trail of trials that I made public this summer. It
consisted of back and forth emails between my counselor King Nelson
and myself. The bottom line was that Mr. Nelson was once again
refusing to fund my fall semester because I had broken his rule of not
getting my financial paper work to him by July 1. I met with him and
Shawnice Laury-Johnson last Friday September 9. I showed them
paperwork from the University financial aid office showing that indeed
I had filed with appropriate timing. Mr. Nelson could not open the
secure part of the email so he said I could not go to school this fall
with funding from MCB. He did not wish for me to record the session so
I did not, but now I realize that was a mistake. He made condesending
rmarks such as refering to himself as Santa because I was asking for
so much. I was told that Leeman Jones would make a decision about the
funding of the tuition and I have not heard from him. The deadline for
dropping classes without penalty is September 20. I not only believe
that my tuition and books and other expenses should be payed, but I
would like someone to have Mr. Nelson work with my original IPE so I
can be on track for graduation in 2013. I believe and I told them both
that they should be on my team to help me reach my educational and
employment goals. Instead Mr. Nelson has continually found reasons not
to help. I do not have enough time to give more details, but I would
be happy to elaborate at a later time. There is no reason why I have
been mistreated in the ways I have dealt with. During my college
career I have worked twice at Camp Tuhsmeheta and I also have been
teaching a monthly "Birding by Ear" class at the Environmental
Interpretive Center in Dearborn Ihave organized a trip for blind
people to do an owl prowl, taken blind children maple syruping and to
a field birding day camp. I will continue to use my love for sharing
nature in combination with activities that build confidence in and
enrich the lives of blind people. I am a good investment for the
Michigan Comission for the Blind and I would like to be treated that
way. I do not wish to fight for my education, but if I must fight then
I will, mainly because I believe that I represent an entire group of
people that continually have frustrations with their counselors. It is
time that counselors view us clients as the people in progress that we
are. With opportunity and training and not resistance from the people
that should be promoting and believing in us we can reach our goals
and go forth as rehabilitated, educated, employed citizens. Our first
boost of confidence should come from the staff of the Michigan
Comission for the Blind. Thank you for your time and I will continue
to be willing to talk further with you. Let it be known that I am not
going away until I get the education that will take my life to a place
where I can perform with confidence. Sincerely, Donna Posont

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