[nfbmi-talk] Fw: FOIA Response to Request of 1-20-12 - Date of LARA ADA Coordinator

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Fri Feb 10 22:56:04 UTC 2012

----- Original Message ----- 
From: joe harcz Comcast 
To: Haynes, Carla (LARA) 
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: FOIA Response to Request of 1-20-12 - Date of LARA ADA Coordinator

Dear Ms. Haynes, et all,

Clearly this is a required notice going back to 504 days, and clearly this goes to the continuing obligation under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and its implmenting regulations that makes this requirement not a FOIA item and not just a tag you are it item but, rather a living and breathing actuality. Note that today is February 10, 2012. How long do we people who are blind need to have the actuality of these laws and implementing regulations adhered to and not to be continually tossed off and diverted and subsequently hoisted upon the petards you and other state actors blow up in our faces over and over again? Petard by the way means "bomb"!

You and this agency and this state are documented bomb throwers, continually violating one law with another and coumpounding the issue by further throwing more bombs in our directions towards, and blowing up our individual and collective,  civil rights.

Now, Pat Cannon was so-called State ADA coordinator and MCB Director for a goodly amount of the decade and yet in demonstrable form including this very posting he violated and continued abject violations of the ADA.

Now you say this Thomas was ADA coordinator or rather responsible designee for the past five years and yet no one has heard of him in this account or regards, but then you'll say you'll research it. Shoot even LARA itself didn't exist in the first bloody place until the current Administration created it in roughly January of 2011. So how in the Sam Hill could have this individual have been the responsible designee for the last five years as you reference. I'll denote that Bill Milzarski, Duncan Wyath and others have in the public record and in their do nothing capacity have been said DELEG and LARA do nothing ADA coordinators as the public record denotes which is to say they did nothing to remove physical or communications barriers to this date let alone eliminate the discriminatory practices you attest to right here and now! And again Cannon was State ADA Coordinator, former Chair of the U.S. Access Board and yet to this very date the very agency he gets paid for, Michigan Commission for the Blind let alone other state of Michigan agencies violate routinely as this very message in and of itself attests my and other's civil rights.

All of this is totally illegal, suppersisillious and totally nuts let alone a gross documentation of massive and intentional violations of civil rights of all people with disabilities for more than two decades and indeed prior to that.


Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

cc: NFB MI
cc: MCB Commissioners
cc: Arwood, Farmer, et al LARA
cc: DOJ, \cc:OCR, Ed.
cc: several attorneys at law

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Haynes, Carla (LARA) 
  To: joe harcz Comcast (joeharcz at comcast.net) 
  Cc: Cannon, Patrick (LARA) ; Farmer, Mel (LARA) ; Turney, Susan (LARA) ; Luzenski, Sue (LARA) ; Duell, Elsie (LARA) 
  Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 4:56 PM
  Subject: FOIA Response to Request of 1-20-12 - Date of LARA ADA Coordinator

  February 10, 2012


  Mr. Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

  E-mail: joeharcz at comcast.net

  1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

  Mt. Morris, MI 48458


  Re:  Date which Mr. Thomas became LARA ADA Coordinator


  Dear Mr. Harcz, Jr.:


  This letter is in response to your January 20, 2012, email request for copies of public records, received January 23, 2012.  Please be informed that the Department's Michigan Commission for the Blind (MCB) is processing this request under the state's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), MCL 15.231 et seq.


  You have requested information that you described as:  "Could you tell me the date in which Mr. Thomas became LARA ADA coordinator?"  I have also attached a copy of the correspondence from which your question was generated.


  Your request is denied as to existing, nonexempt records in the possession of the Department falling within the scope of your request.  To the best of the Department's knowledge, information or belief no documents exist under that name or any other name reasonably known to the Department.  We are unable to find a document stating or announcing Mr. Thomas' appointment to this position.  In the spirit of cooperation, I can tell you that Mr. Thomas has performed this duty for more than 5 years.


  Under MCL 15.240 of the FOIA you may (1) submit a written appeal regarding the denial of any portion of your FOIA request to Mr. Steven H. Hilfinger, Director, Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs: Attention, Mike Zimmer, Chief Deputy Director, Ottawa Building, 4th Floor, P.O. Box 30004, Lansing, MI 48909. Your appeal notice must include the word "appeal" and state the reason(s) for reversal of the denial(s); or (2) you may seek judicial review in circuit court within 180 days of the Department's final determination. If you prevail in such action, the court shall award reasonable attorney fees, costs, and disbursements. If the court finds the Department's actions to be arbitrary and capricious, the court, in addition to any actual or compensatory damages, award punitive damages in the amount of $500.00.




  Carla Miller Haynes, FOIA Coordinator

  Michigan Commission for the Blind




  1.           Email of 1/20/2012 received 1/23/2012


  cc:     Patrick Cannon

            Mel Farmer

            Susan Turney

            Elsie Duell

  From: joe harcz Comcast <joeharcz at comcast.net>

  Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 10:46 AM

  To:   Haynes, Carla (LARA)

  Subject:    Re: Response to FOIA Request of 1-8-12


  Hi Carla,

  Could you tell me the date in which Mr. Thomas became LARA ADA coordinator?



  ----- Original Message ----- 

  From: Haynes, Carla (LARA) 

  To: joe harcz Comcast (joeharcz at comcast.net) 

  Cc: Cannon, Patrick (LARA) ; Farmer, Mel (LARA) ; Turney, Susan (LARA) ; Duell, Elsie (LARA) ; 

  Luzenski, Sue (LARA) 

  Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 9:45 AM

  Subject: Response to FOIA Request of 1-8-12


  January 20, 2012


  Mr. Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

  E-mail: joeharcz at comcast.net

  1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

  Mt. Morris, MI 48458


  Re:  Draft Minutes & Audio Recording(s) of December 20, 2011 Meetings, 

  et al


  Dear Mr. Harcz, Jr.:


  This letter is in response to your January 8, 2012, email request for copies 

  of public records, received on January 9, 2012 in this office.  Please be 

  informed that the Department's Michigan Commission for the Blind (MCB) 

  is processing this request under the state's Freedom of Information Act 

  (FOIA), MCL 15.231 et seq.


  You have requested information as described in your email, a copy of 

  which is below.


  Your request is granted as to existing, nonexempt records in the 

  possession of this department responsive to your request.


  The draft minutes of the December 8 & 9, 2011, MCB Commission Board 

  Meeting were previously sent to you via email on January 13, 2012.  The 

  draft minutes for the Michigan Commission for the Blind Commission 

  Meeting of December 20, 2011, are below and attached to this email.


  Your request for a copy of Mr. Patrick Cannon's annual evaluation along 

  with the Commissioner's "scoring" of same and the letter sent to Mr. 

  Arwood in those regards (and copied to Governor Snyder) was also sent to 

  you in the same email on January 13, 2011.


  Your request for an email sent by Mr. Patrick Cannon to Mr. Larry Posont 

  which you describe as:  "blaming him for your continued violations of the 

  ADA, Section 504 and the Michigan Open Meetings Act in this regards" 

  does not exist to the best of the Department's knowledge, information or 

  belief under your description.  I have attached an email Mr. Cannon sent to 

  Mr. Posont in regards to MCB Board Correspondence and Commission 

  minutes.  This email is attached and below.


  Your request for the name and address of the Michigan Department of 

  Licensing and Regulatory Affairs "ADA" coordinator and an accessible 

  copy of LARA's required grievance procedure is granted.  Attached and 

  below is the State of Michigan, Department of Licensing and Regulatory 

  Affairs, Notice of Compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities 

  Act.  Mr. David Thomas is the LARA ADA Title II Coordinator and his 

  contact information is contained in this notice along with a complaint form.


  You can also access this information on the web at 

  www.michigan.gov/lara, then go to the bottom of the page and click on 

  Filing a Complaint Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


  We will not charge for the cost of this FOIA but this does not prohibit us 

  from charging you or any other requestor for other requests.




  Carla Miller Haynes, FOIA Coordinator

  Michigan Commission for the Blind



  1.      Email of 1-8-12

  2.      Draft Minutes of December 20, 2011 MCB Comm. Board Meeting

  3.      Email of 1-6-12 from P. Cannon to L. Posont

  4.      SOM DLARA Notice of Compliance with Title II of the ADA


  cc:     Patrick Cannon

            Mel Farmer

            Susan Turney

            Elsie Duell





  From: joe harcz Comcast [mailto:joeharcz at comcast.net]  

  Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2012 2:51 PM 

  To: Cannon, Patrick (LARA) 

  Cc: Larry Posont MCB Comm.; lydia Schuck MCB Comm.; John Scott 

  MCB Comm.; nfbmi-

  talk at nfbnet.org; Arwood, Steve (LARA); Robin Jones; Craig McManus 

  RSA; Elmer Cerano MPAS; 

  Richard Bernstein Esq 

  Subject: reiterated ada oma and related request info


  ADA Request Once Again for Complete Draft Meeting Minutes and More


  Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

  1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

  Mt. Morris, MI 48458

  joeharcz at comcast.net


  To: Patrick D. Cannon

  Director, Michigan Commission for the Blind

  (Via e-mail)



  Dear Mr. Cannon,


  Once again I am requesting the required "draft meeting minutes" of MCB's 

  December 8, 9, and 20, 2011 board meetings with all information related to 

  them including your annual evaluation, the commissioners "scoring" of 

  same, the letters sent to Governor Snyder, Mr. Hilfinger, and Mr. Arwood 

  in those regards, and the e-mail you sent to Commissioner Posont blaming 

  him for your continued violations of the ADA, Section 504 and the 

  Michigan Open Meetings Act in this regards. Simply the OMA as you've 

  been apprised over and over again requires that this information is made 

  available to the public (and in fact commissioners) within eight working 

  days. This is not ambiguous. Moreover, as you know because I've 

  apprised you and you were the do nothing State of Michigan ADA 

  coordinator for years you, Mr. Cannon have a corollary responsibility to 

  make those required documents available in accessible format to blind 

  requesters without a surcharge and in a timely manner. As you also know 

  a failure to even respond to a request for accommodations is a violation in 

  and of itself and you've failed on that account too over and over again on 

  this request alone.


  Thus again I'm requesting you remit this information forthwith as either 

  Word attachments and/or plain text enclosures to my e-mail address listed 



  I also request once again that this information is posted in html format on 

  MCB's own web site and that this information is routinely posted on the 

  MCB 20/20 list serve just as you, personally do other information when it 

  suits your fancy.


  If you need some technical assistance in this regards I'd be delighted to 

  comply. But I won't do the service to you or your scofflaw entity without 

  charging  you for the services renderred. And I darn well won't pay for this 

  information or anything else that you and the agency are required to post 

  affirmatively in a variety of accessible formats let alone upon request (re: 

  Tyler v. Manhatten for affirmative obligations of Title II entities).


  Moreover, I'm requesting the name, address and other contact information 

  for the required Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs 

  "ADA" coordinator and an accessible copy of LARA's required grievance 



  Warmest Regards,


  Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.


  Cc: MCB Commissioners

  Cc: Arwood, S., LARA

  Cc: RSA

  Cc: Great Lakes ADA "TAC"

  Cc: Elmer Cerano, NISH, MPAS

  Cc: Richard Bernstein, Esq.

  Cc: NFB MI









  201 N. Washington Square

  Victor Center Building

  2nd Floor Conference Room

  Lansing, MI

  December 20, 2011

  11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

  VIA Conference Call







  Mr. Larry Posont                             Ms. Lydia Schuck        

  Mr. John Scott



  None (2 Commissioner vacancies currently exist)



  Mr. Pat Cannon                               Ms. Sue Luzenski



  Mr. Mike DeRose                                               



  Mr. Joe Sibley                                 Mr. Joe Harcz     

  Mr. Joe Sontag                               Mr. Fred Wurtzel



     Commissioner Larry Posont called the special meeting to order at 11:02 

  a.m. Roll call was taken and a quorum was present.  




  Discussion of 2012 Performance Objectives for Agency Director


            Commissioner Schuck explained that she was trying to focus on 

  S.M.A.R.T. objectives:  specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time 



  Objective 1


            There was discussion about what information will be received by 

  Commissioners as the way the objective is stated is 

  vague.  Commissioners stated they wanted to receive what was going to 

  be sent before it was sent not after.  


  Objective 1:


  The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) conducted its monitoring 

  review of the Commission in 2009 and submitted its final report to MCB 

  November 5, 2010.  The final RSA report included eight findings which 

  require corrective actions by the agency and MCB staff will continue to 

  work with RSA's designated liaison on a regular basis for technical 

  assistance in the development of these actions and monitor 

  progress.  RSA approved MCB's Corrective Action Plan (CAP), December 

  19, 2011, and has requested that MCB report quarterly progress on the 

  completion of corrective actions and specific steps taken to address 

  compliance findings, including the submission of any revised policies, 

  procedures, or implementing documents.


  RSA has requested that MCB's first quarterly progress report be submitted 

  by April 15, 2012, with subsequent reports due July 15, 2012, October 15, 

  2012 and January 15, 2013, etc. until the CAP activities resolve the 

  findings identified.  Accordingly, the agency director will also provide 

  quarterly updates to commissioners on interactions with RSA when the 

  information is sent to RSA on the 15th of April, July and October, 2012, and 

  post these reports on the MCB website.


  Objective 2


  Director Cannon stated that he is willing to explore the feasibility of 

  gathering of this data and clarified the role of the Consumer Involvement 

  Council (CIC).  Objective 2 was not finalized and Commissioner Schuck 

  asked that this objective be revisited at a later date so the Director can 

  have an answer to exploring the feasibility of gathering this data.  Mr. Mike 

  DeRose clarified that all parties are agreeing on Objective 2 but changes 

  will be made at the end of January when a list is created of what data can 

  be gathered.  Director Cannon stated that the purpose of performance 

  objectives is to identify outcomes and expectations that the Director will be 

  held accountable for, the intention is not to micromanage the Agency.


  Objective 2:


  State Plan

  In accordance with the Rehabilitation Act:

  4.3 Consultations regarding the administration of the State Plan. (Section 

  101(a) (16) (B) of the Rehabilitation Act; 34 CFR 361.21)

  The designated state agency takes into account, in connection with 

  matters of general policy arising in the administration of the plan and its 

  supplement, the views of:

  (a) individuals and groups of individuals who are recipients of vocational 



  In order to begin to create a system that promotes consumer involvement 

  and transparency of operations, MCB shall create some regular reports to 

  consumers.  By the end of January the Commissioners will be presented 

  with a list of data that the Agency can provide on an ongoing regular 

  basis.  The reports shall be clear and easy to understand Commissioners 

  request these:  intakes/month/ytd, placements/month/ytd and % of goal for 

  year, beginning and ending balances for rehab, training center, and BEP 

  with % spent/ytd.  Each report shall report cost /successful closure and 

  cost/unsuccessful closure.  Each report shall be provided to the 

  Commission Board in an accessible format and posted on the MCB web 

  page in a conspicuous place.  These reports shall be a beginning for a 

  more robust reporting system which will be enhanced in future Fiscal 



  There was a discussion between Commissioners and Director Cannon 

  about the removal of a written objective regarding in-service trainings for 

  Commissioners.  All parties agreed to not include in-service training as an 

  objective but know that if topics arise and there is training needed or 

  requested this can be done.


  Objective 3


  Director Cannon stated that staff training is an administrative responsibility 

  which the Director has to answer to the Department and 

  RSA.  Commissioners said that staff training design may rise to level of 

  policy making.  


  Objective 3:


  a)  Continue the work of the agency's committee to review and improve 

  staff training, particularly training of new agency staff.  The committee, led 

  by the agency's training coordinator, is balanced with a mix of relatively 

  new staff, longer-serving staff, both sighted and blind, managers, as well 

  as representation from the MCB Consumer Involvement Council (CIC), the 

  Michigan Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired (MCBVI) and the 

  National Federation of the Blind (NFB) of Michigan.  The committee's work 

  includes a focus on enhancing the understanding of blindness and issues 

  facing blind persons, which is intended to assist staff in serving clients 

  most effectively.  

  -      Compile and analyze the results of the December, 2011 survey of 

  new staff members since April, 2010, to identify unmet needs for 

  training and orientation of new staff and draw upon these 

  suggestions to improve the procedures.

  -      Review and analyze recommendations from Commissioners ad hoc 

  committee on training and draw upon these suggestions to improve 

  the procedures.

  -      Distribute new survey to new staff hired in 2012 at the beginning of 

  employment, then again in three or four months, to help ascertain 

  improvement achieved and apply PDSA principles to continuously 

  improve the training and orientation process.


  b)  The Director will develop an enhanced and expanded training protocol.  


  The progress on this initiative will be reported to Commissioners quarterly. 


  Objective 4

  Discussion by all parties included agreement on the wording of this 

  objective and scheduling a future report by Susan Turney on the progress 

  of this objective.


  Objective 4:


  The Director shall oversee the development of an indexing system for all 

  Commission Board agendas, motions, policies and minutes to allow board 

  records to be searched by topic, date or keyword.  The search tool, index 

  and all content will be searchable and accessible through the 

  Commission's website and via the telephone.  Completion of this project 

  will be a performance objective and is expected to be complete by 



  Working with the MCB Image and Identity Team and the agency's 

  Communications and Outreach Coordinator, explore ways to expand and 

  improve the MCB Website to make it more accessible and user-friendly, 

  and increase the amount and frequency of programmatic, administrative 

  and budgetary information.  The Image and Identity Team, comprised of 

  agency staff, consumers and stakeholders, will provide advice and 

  guidance to the agency webmaster at meetings in March and June, 2012, 

  and following implementation of accepted, manageable and prudent 

  proposals, the agency will report progress to Commissioners in September 

  and December, 2012.  


            There was a discussion about scheduling a future date to finish the 

  objective discussion and how many objectives are acceptable from human 

  resource standpoint.




            Mr. Joe Sontag:  This is Joe Sontag and believe it or not I'm not 

  going to say anything pointed about BEP this time.  I just to say this time, 

  once again I just want to express how happy I am with the way this 

  Commission Board is functioning that we have a Board that is taking 

  charge sitting firm on the idea of being of service to blind people in the 

  State of Michigan and not just certain blind people and their friends or a 

  specific organization.  And secondly, I just wanted to say that I very much 

  look forward to the day when we can stop having arguments about 

  information.  We've been hearing for years about the level of transparency 

  in this organization and how it's the best in the country when it comes to 

  transparency and almost anything else that gets discussed for that 

  matter.  Frankly we have a long way to go and I believe very strongly that 

  we get passed the point where we argue about information and how 

  frequently it can be produced, how frequently it should be produced, who 

  should get it, who shouldn't get it, we're going to be much farther ahead.  I 

  can recall a time when as a kid just learning how these things worked I 

  could get anything I wanted that was legal to release to the public, just for 

  the asking.  Just pick up a phone, go to the appropriate person and get 

  it.  Now, now everythings, even information that I, as a participant in an 

  agency program should be entitled to by law, as a given in an accessible 

  format, I have to go through Freedom of Information Act or have to argue 

  with people about whether it is or isn't an FOI request and so forth.  We 

  need to get passed that ladies and gentlemen.  And finally, I just want to 

  say that in regard to the number of objectives I understand that the more 

  you tack on the more difficult it can be to comply or to meet the 

  objectives.  I also understand that there are serious needs that have been 

  out there that have existed for a very long time that are only now beginning 

  to be seriously addressed. I say more important than the absolute number 

  of objectives is the dedication of the people on both sides of the table in 

  terms of meeting those objectives and serving, the people there charged 

  with serving rather than the absolute number.  Thank you very much.


       Mr. Joe Harcz: yes I'm going to echo a little bit of that, but you know I 

  would.  Look, on that Objective number 2 I believe    it was, since I don't 

  have it in front of me, these are already requirements under the Rehab 

  Act.  To supply information related to the State Plan in a timely and 

  accessible format to Commissioners and Consumers, members of the 

  public.  It's Pro Forma.  We're going to have a new State Plan 

  update.  That fiscal year's in July, you know.  This information that's being 

  requested should, by law, be standard.  This doesn't go to an internal civil 

  service objective, that's a requirement of the Rehab Act.  The other thing is 

  when we have battles and somebody has to ask on a monthly basis for 

  things like draft meeting minutes that are required by law, rather than just 

  having them posted to a website that we already have and posted to the 

  MCB 2020 Listserve that's indicative of the problem.  When we, we don't 

  have a lot of the consumer packet information, consumer or 

  commissioners don't get information in a timely manner to act on their due 

  diligence and that's been documented over and over and over again.  We 

  do not follow the basics of the Americans with Disabilities Act or Section 

  504 in these regards.  I get better information from other entities, from 

  private entities, in a more timely, more accessible manner.  And generally I 

  just ask for simple email.  The final thing on the communications issue 

  continually telephony is broken down in whole or in part.  That happened 

  at the last Commissioners meeting and that happened the year before, you 

  can ask Ms. Pilarski about that.  During the evaluation process there was 

  music coming through, there was 18 minutes of missing information and 

  that's an ongoing problem and an ongoing problem with effective 

  communications and access.  The final thing and it goes back to 

  information nobody knows, nobody knows where the money is being spent 

  and we get excuses left and right.  The Director is responsible, the agency 

  is responsible for administering federal funds and making those 

  expenditures available to the public, let alone to Commissioners.  You 

  guys shouldn't be having to ask for that, there's nothing financially related 

  since June and that's up on the website and by the way that's not in a 

  Word file and that's not in HTML, that's in Excel files.  


       Mr. Fred Wurtzel:  My first comment has to do with, well actually all 

  my comments have to do with the general attitude of the Director.  The 

  Director is, at every turn, resisting providing information to consumers and 

  to the Commission Board and doing all he can to thwart and undermine 

  the actions of the Commission Board to do its job to set good policy for the 

  Michigan Commission for the Blind.  It's a consumer driven organization 

  and he keeps continually resisting providing information.  I think what both 

  the Joe's said is absolutely correct and I just find it amazing that a person 

  is being, their performance ratings and objectives are there and they're 

  being so belligerent in front of the people who are supposed to be setting 

  their performance standards and their performance objectives.  I find it 

  insulting to Commissioners, I find it insulting to consumers the way that the 

  Director is behaving so belligerently on behalf of the agency.  I find it to be 

  absolutely, amazingly incredible that the Director of the Agency does not 

  even know what information is available.  He doesn't even know if he can 

  tell you how many intakes were made last month or how many people 

  were closed last month.  Closures are what the agency is about.  That is 

  the only reason that there is money given to the Michigan Commission for 

  the Blind.  Might I remind you its over $20,000,000, I'm telling you $20 

  million with six 0's, and the Commissioner, the Director doesn't not even 

  know how to tell you how many closures there were in a given month.  The 

  very job the agency is in business to do.  I find this to be absolutely 

  dereliction of duties misfeasance and nonfeasance.  It's amazing and it's 

  beyond the pale of what I can consider to be acceptable performance on 

  behalf of someone getting paid over $100,000 a year to manage a $20 

  million dollar budget.  It's incredible.  There seems to be a misconception 

  here about the Commissioners being in a position of recommending 

  things.  Commissioners don't recommend things, the Commission is an 

  advisory board, the Commission is a policy setting board.  I understand 

  about chain of command but there's no reason that the Commission board 

  cannot tell the Director the kind of programs it wants and how the kinds of 

  outcomes it wants and the Directors job is to go forth and do those 

  things.  I don't think that Pat's continual attempt to undermine the authority 

  of the Commission Board should be accepted or condoned or allowed to 

  continue.  Thank you.  


       Mr. Joe Sibley:  Here again, this is my view and I don't, as I said at 

  the last Commission meeting I don't necessarily agree, I know all three of 

  you Board members and I know it was not your intention in the 

  performance evaluation of the Director to make it look like a "gotcha" 

  scenario, but I did want to make the case that I am hearing back publicly 

  both from people in my organization and not in my organization that there's 

  still a concept that the longstanding problem with the NFB members of 

  Michigan and the antagonistic view toward the Director that this is an 

  opportunity.  I don't think that's the case, I believe you guys actually 

  evaluated everything carefully but I just wanted to say that, this public 

  comment, that I am hearing back on that, that would be the case.  I do still 

  kind of disagree with your evaluation of the Director, I think the marks were 

  a little harsh.  I think there are very positive things in the Director's 

  performance that need to be evaluated as well as the problems in the 

  Agency.  I don't see him as an antagonistic person, I don't agree with 

  everything he does, and the way he does everything, of course not, but I, 

  and I think I'm in the minority on this call right now, but I want to say that I 

  do believe the performance evaluation of the Director was below, from my 

  viewpoint, of what he actually deserves.  I still think we need to focus on 

  having a less antagonistic view from all consumers and all agency 

  staff.  This goes to staff and to consumers and to clients have less 

  antagonistic us against them view and we need to really focus on how we 

  can reach a middle ground, reach compromise.  I mean, our United States 

  Congress is not doing a very good job of that I think we have an 

  opportunity to work together, make compromises and find out what's the 

  best objectives.   What's the best way to do things within budget, within 

  staff realistic available, what can they reasonably accomplish and also 

  accomplish in the goals that we need to accomplish.  We really need to 

  focus on working better together and trying to develop a less antagonistic 

  view as we try to solve the problems with this agency.  There are 

  problems, yes absolutely, we need to address them, but I say again, as I 

  keep hammering again and again, we need to talk to talk to each other and 

  we need to be less antagonistic.  Thank you very much.


       Commissioners and the Director set a next date to meet to discuss 

  the rest of the objectives on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. via 

  the telephone.  







  The meeting adjourned at 12:14 p.m.



  ____________________________      ____________________

  Larry Posont                                             Date



  From:         Cannon, Patrick (LARA)

  Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 8:35 AM

  To:    Haynes, Carla (LARA)

  Subject:     FW: Terry Eagle's Board Correspondence





  From: Cannon, Patrick (LARA)  

  Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 11:09 AM 

  To: 'Larry Posont' 

  Cc: 'Lydia Schuck'; 'jscot at sbcglobal.net'; Luzenski, Sue (LARA); Brown, 

  Melanie (LARA) 

  Subject: Terry Eagle's Board Correspondence


  Hi Larry,


  This is a follow-up to Sue Luzenski's request to you for Terry Eagle's 

  correspondence to the board.  As you'll recall, he appeared on the 

  December 8 meeting agenda under the heading of "Board 

  Correspondence" and spoke to commissioners on various topics and 

  reference his correspondence to the board.  However, we do not have 

  anything in our files from him and we need you to send his 

  correspondence to Sue for at least two reasons.  First, we need to 

  maintain files on such correspondence and, secondly, commissioners 

  asked that such correspondence be attached to the minutes of the 

  December Commission meeting.


  While the draft minutes of the meeting have been written, we cannot 

  release them until we have Terry's letter to commissioners.  Please 

  forward his referenced correspondence to Sue at your earliest 








  Patrick D. Cannon, State Director

  Michigan Commission for the Blind

  Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

  P.O. Box 30652

  Lansing, MI  48909

  cannonp at michigan.gov


  Toll Free:  800-292-4200

  Fax:  517-335-5140












  The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) does not 

  discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operations of 

  its programs, services or activities.   This notice is provided as required by Title II 

  of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.


  Questions, concerns, complaints or requests for additional information regarding 

  the ADA may be forwarded to the designated ADA Title II Coordinator.


  Title:                               ADA Title II Coordinator

  Office Address:               611 West Ottawa, Ottawa Building, 4th Floor

                                        Lansing, MI 48909

  Phone Number:               517-241-1449                  

  E-Mail:                            THOMASD5 at Michigan.gov               


  Day / Hours available:     Normal Business Hours


  Individuals who need auxiliary aids for effective communication in programs and 

  services of the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs are invited to 

  make their needs and preferences known to the ADA Coordinator.


  This Notice is available in an alternative format from the Department ADA 
















        All Title II governmental agencies or entities are required to post notice informing 

  the public of its ADA responsibilities.  "A public entity shall make available to applicants, 

  participants, beneficiaries, and other interested persons information regarding the 

  provisions of this part and its applicability to the services, programs, or activities of the 

  public entity, and make such information available to them in such manner as the head 

  of the entity finds necessary to apprise such persons of the protections against 

  discrimination assured them by the Act and this part" 28 CFR Section 35.106.


  28 CFR Section 35.106 requires a public entity to provide enough information to 

  applicants, participants, beneficiaries, and other interested persons to inform them of 

  the rights and protections they have under the ADA and this regulation. Methods of 

  providing this information include, for example, the printing of the information in 

  handbooks, manuals, and pamphlets that are provided to the public to describe a 

  public entity's programs and activities; the display of informative posters in service 

  centers and other public places; or the broadcast of information by television or radio. 



  In compliance with the ADA, the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs 

  (LARA) has designated David K. Thomas as the department ADA Coordinator.  In 

  addition, Mr. Thomas has been designated as the ADA Title II (access to programs and 

  services) Coordinator. The ADA Coordinator will investigate any complaint it receives 

  that the department, or an agency or office within the department, is not following the 

  ADA, either by not providing services, or by actions that would be forbidden by the 

  ADA. The Department will provide the name, office address, and telephone number of 

  the designated is ADA Coordinator to any person requesting this information. LARA 

  has adopted and hereby publishing a complaint process that outlines fair and timely 

  resolution of complaints claiming any action that would be prohibited by Title II of the 














  The ADA Complaint procedure is designed to informally resolve conflicts with 

  State agencies involving allegations of discrimination in access to state 

  government programs, services, and benefits for persons with disabilities under 

  Title II of the ADA. 


  Each state department has named a department/agency ADA Coordinator(s). 

  The first person you should contact in this procedure is the ADA Coordinator in 

  the division or department where you believe a problem has occurred under Title 

  II of the ADA. The ADA Coordinator may assign (designate) another person in 

  the department to work with you to resolve your complaint.


  If you need assistance in filing or writing your complaint, the division or 

  department ADA Coordinator or designee will, at your request, help you locate 

  an impartial advocate or representative not associated with their agency. Please 

  specify any other reasonable accommodation you may require in order to 

  effectively communicate your complaint. The complaint form must be filled out 

  completely and filed with the division or department ADA Coordinator within 90 

  calendar days from the date of the alleged discriminatory action or practice. 


  Once you have completed the ADA Complaint Form on the next page, follow the 

  steps listed after the complaint form for filing your complaint. It is important for 

  you to keep copies of your original complaint, notifications or letters you receive 

  after meeting with the department/agency, as well as any other correspondence 

  or other documentation that is related to your complaint, and bring those copies 

  to all meetings, reviews, and appeals related to your complaint. 











  Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act COMPLAINT FORM


  Instructions: Please fill out this form completely, in black ink or type. Sign and return to the address on 

  page 3. 







  City, State and Zip Code: 



  Telephone: Home:                                                                                                                     



  Person Making the Complaint:  

  (if other than the complainant) 






  City, State, and Zip Code: 



  Telephone: Home:                                                                                                                     



  Agency which you believe has discriminated:













  State and Zip Code: 



  Telephone Number: 



  When did the event occur? Date: 



  Describe the event providing the name(s) where possible for the individuals who were involved (use 

  space on page 3 if necessary): 







  Has the complaint been filed with the Michigan Department of Civil Rights, US Department of Justice or 

  any other Federal agency or court?


  Yes______ No______


  If yes:


  Agency or Court: 



  Contact Person: 






  City, State, and Zip Code: 



  Telephone Number: 




  Date Filed: 



  Do you intend to file with another agency or court?

  Yes______ No______


  Agency or Court: 






  City, State and Zip Code: 



  Telephone Number: 



  Additional space for answers:











  Signature:         _________________________________________

  Date:                ________________________________



  Return to: 


  ADA Title II Coordinator 

  Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

  Office Services Division

  611 West Ottawa, Ottawa Building 4th floor

  Lansing, MI 48909





























  Step 1: Fill Out and Deliver Your Complaint 

  Hand deliver or mail your complaint to the Department ADA Coordinator of the state agency 

  where you believe the discrimination occurred (David K. Thomas for LARA). If you need 

  assistance filling out the complaint form, you may request help through the Department ADA 


  a)     If you need a reasonable accommodation, such as an interpreter or an alternative format, list this 

  on your complaint form so the Department ADA Coordinator will be able to communicate 

  effectively with you at your meeting. 

  b)   If the agency that you are working with has a different complaint procedure, please complete that 

  process before continuing this process.


  Step 2: Meet with the Department ADA Coordinator 

  a)   Within 10 business days after receiving your completed complaint, the department ADA 

  coordinator will meet with you personally, or contact you by telephone.

  b)   Within 5 business days after this meeting, a copy of your complaint, and a brief report of the 

  outcome of your meeting, will be forwarded to the State ADA Coordinator so that office is aware 

  a complaint has been filed. 


  Step 3: Resolution of Your Complaint 

  a)   If a satisfactory resolution is reached, a written agreement will be jointly developed and signed 

  by you, the department ADA Coordinator and the director of the department/agency where the 

  complaint was filed. The agreement of resolution will be issued to you within 10 business days. 

  The written agreement will include: 

  1)   A description of the complaint;

  2)   A finding of facts from the investigation of the complaint;

  3)   A description of how the complaint will be resolved;

  4)   When the complaint will be resolved;

  5)   An assurance that the department/agency will follow the specific terms of the agreement.

  b)    If the department/agency is unable to resolve the complaint with you, you will be notified of this non-

  resolution within 10 business days.  The notification will include: 

  1)     A description of the complaint; 

  2)     A summary of any resolution proposed;

  3)     A statement addressing the issues that were not resolved at the meeting.


  Step 4: Request for Review by the Michigan Department of Civil Rights

  If a satisfactory resolution is not reached through the department/agency, you may then request a review 

  of your complaint (appeal) by the Michigan Department of Civil Rights. Your request for review must be 

  made within 10 business days after you receive your notification of non-resolution. This appeal must 

  include a copy of your original complaint, as well as documentation from Step 3 b) failure to resolve your 

  complaint at the department/agency level. 


  Your request for review must be filed on the attached form.












  Mailing Address: 





  Telephone (work)                                       (fax)                                              


  State Department/Agency complaint is with: 



  Detailed Statement of the Reason(s) for Your Request for Review of the 

  Decision Regarding Your Complaint: 









  NOTE: You MUST include a copy of your original complaint, as well as 

  documentation of the results of your meetings with the department/agency 

  coordinator, in order for this appeal to be considered by Michigan 

  Department of Civil Rights. 





  Signature                                                                                          Date









  Carla Miller Haynes

  DLARA Michigan Commission for the Blind

  201 N. Washington Sq., 2nd Floor

  P.O. Box 30652

  Lansing, MI  48909

  Phone:  517/373-2063

  FAX: 517/335-5140





  Carla Miller Haynes

  DLARA Michigan Commission for the Blind

  201 N. Washington Sq., 2nd Floor

  P.O. Box 30652

  Lansing, MI  48909

  Phone:  517/373-2063

  FAX: 517/335-5140



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