[nfbmi-talk] MI Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE)Proposed Revisions

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Feb 26 13:21:20 UTC 2014

Excellent highlights right here Amy and all, especially for us on the 
critical teacher shortage of VI, TCBVI, and other supports for blind 
Say NO to these special education rule revisions .

× Giving local control to Intermediate School Districts (ISD) and school 
districts to determine special education staffing annually based upon the 
of students will explode special education staff caseloads.

× Removing all transparency from the ISD "alternate special education plan." 
MI ISDs have authority to override all special education programs, program
sizes, teacher caseloads and student age spans, and create their own.  The 
MI DOE is now proposing to remove all transparency and only require that the
ISD keeps a copy of this "alternate plan" on file.

× Requiring parents to initiate consent for special education prior to 
convening an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team is incongruent with 
IDEA 300.306 and devalues the important role that parents play in 
determining eligibility and services

× Establishing that a student will only be a student with a disability until 
the high school credits necessary for a diploma are earned and then a 
can unceremoniously exit the student and with no concern for the student's 
preparedness for post-secondary education and employability.

× Requiring paraprofessionals to have only a high school diploma. Ensuring 
the lowest level of qualifications for staff who provide direct instruction 
reading, written expression and mathematics.

× Narrowing the criteria to determine if a student is eligible under an 
Autism Spectrum Disorder. This will eliminate students on the ASD spectrum 
specialized instruction and related services.

× Eliminating short term objectives for all students. This removes 
accountable and measurable progress.

× Removing the 'multidisciplinary evaluation team" and new limitations on 
the education personnel responsible for evaluating students in thirteen 
of eligibility.

× Watering down requirements for Hearing Impairment and Visual Impairment 
teachers due to the critical shortage. So students will be short-changed.

× Allowing physician assistants (bachelor's degree and do not specialize in 
pediatric evaluations for disabilities) to be on the evaluation team to 
a Physical Impairment (PI), Other Health Impairment (OHI), Traumatic Brain 
Injury (TBI) and Deaf-Blind.

× Requiring only a psychiatrist, psychologist and social worker in 
determining a student's eligibility for an Emotional Impairment How do you 
"rule out
a learning disability" when no achievement testing or cognitive battery is 

Contrary to MI DOE's assertion, these proposed revisions have nothing to do 
with "improving student outcomes." Rather, they will allow the state of 
its ISDs and LEAs to balance their budgets on the backs of students with 

Eliminating the state-imposed special education rules that govern teacher 
caseloads, special education programs, program sizes and student age spans 
not improve outcomes.

QUESTIONS? Contact MarcieLipsitt at outlook.com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shepherd, Amy" <amyshepherd at mpvi.org>
To: "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] MI Administrative Rules for Special Education 
(MARSE)Proposed Revisions

> Not sure why. Sorry.
> Here it is again. http://www.advocacyinstitute.org/blog/?p=485
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 10:43 PM, joe harcz Comcast 
> <joeharcz at comcast.net>wrote:
>> Hi Amy,
>> The link doesn't appear to be active.
>> Should I just copy and paste it in to my browser?
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Shepherd, Amy" <amyshepherd at mpvi.org>
>> To: "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 6:16 PM
>> Subject: [nfbmi-talk] MI Administrative Rules for Special Education
>> (MARSE)Proposed Revisions
>>  Hi everyone,
>>> I wanted to pass along a link to a website regarding the proposed MARSE
>>> revisions.  The website is operated by the Michigan Advocates for 
>>> Children
>>> with Special Education.
>>> http://www.advocacyinstitute.org/blog/?p=485
>>> I know many people on this list are parents, like me, and I want to
>>> encourage you to read the website and participate in the public 
>>> commentary
>>> regarding the proposed changes.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> --
>>> Amy Shepherd
>>> MPVI President
>>> Visit our Website www.mpvi.org <http://www.mpvi.org>
>>> Join us on Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/groups/48271986241/>
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>>> joeharcz%40comcast.net
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> -- 
> Amy Shepherd
> MPVI President
> Visit our Website www.mpvi.org <http://www.mpvi.org>
> Join us on Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/groups/48271986241/>
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