[nfbmi-talk] Fw: should go to list serve

David Robinson drob1946 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 16:00:09 UTC 2015

----- Original Message ----- 
From: joe harcz Comcast 
To: David Robinson NFB MI 
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 11:40 AM
Subject: should go to list serve

This is why Michigan is non-compliant for the blind. And these are some of the "players" who discriminated against NFB members at the so-called ADA celebration.

It was precisely because the likes of me have pointed out the State is twenty five years out of compliance with the ADA.

Joe Harcz
Transcript of State ADA Compliance Office

State ADA Compliance Office

Mission, Vision and Values


We ensure all aspects of the State of Michigan are compliant with federal and state Americans with Disabilities Act-related laws. We engage citizens and

advocacy groups to learn through listening.



We commit to make the State of Michigan the best place where, with or without reasonable accommodations, those who want to work may do so, and all citizens

can participate in its offerings.



We recognize the dignity, value and potential of every Michigan citizen, regardless of current ability.

We acknowledge the unique talents and contributions every Michigan citizen offers and believe, with these talents combined, the State of Michigan is made



Past Projects

Transition Plan

Using the data from our audit we will work to create a Transition Plan for DTMB

Provide guidance to other departments in creating their Transition Plans

Develop a new Statewide ADA Transition Plan, the first since 1992


DTMB Building Audit

Completed in cooperation with the architectural firm Bergmann Associates and the Capital Area Center for Independent Living

Assessed accessibility and signage under 2010 ADA Standards in nearly 40 DTMB managed facilities statewide

Data will be put into an online database

Website Accessibility

The public interacts more with the State via our websites than our buildings

Worked closely with Ellen Martin, the State Webmaster to make our websites compliant

Created a special presentation using blindfolds to teach awareness of the need for accessible websites for people with limited vision

After first presentation, website compliance improved dramatically - now over 60,000 pages are accessible!

Title II

Applies to State and local governments


Protects individuals with disabilities from discrimination regarding:





Pertains to both buildings and online applications/websites


Sharon Alston Ellis, J.D.

Lunch and Learn Sessions

Held lunch and learn sessions with Reasonable Accommodation Coordinators and ADA Coordinators from all departments in State government

Offered resources and guidance and learned of issues and challenges coordinators face

Partnering with other departments to provide training for agencies





Moving Forward

Emergency Evacuation Chairs

Other Plans

Work with BSBP to create online menus for their vendors in State buildings

Revamp the Mi-Disability Resources page

Develop training for RACs/ADACs to improve consistency in handling ADA issues


Many accessibility problems are IT related

Created an ad hoc team to assist with IT related issues

Focus of ADA IT Team is




If permanent, will provide a one-stop shop for all ADA IT related issues


Working with Stryker to obtain emergency evacuation chairs for people with disabilities

Once obtained through donations and discounts, will be installed in every DTMB managed facility

All three branches of government working together!

Title I

Protects employees from discrimination regarding:



Job Training

And many other aspects of the job


Covers reasonable accommodation for employees

Our Team

Department Director

Department Manager

Joel Hoffman

Sharon Alston Ellis, J.D.

Judy Ferrigan

Department Specialist

Dan Morgan

Department Specialist

Josh DeBrabander

Research Assistant


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