[nfbmi-talk] Your Voice at ADA Celebration

Mark Eagle markaeagle at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 12 18:21:08 UTC 2015

  Dear Federationists, The 25 year ADA Celebration is later this week. I am unsurewhere the NFB of Michigan stands on this issue. With that being said I will notbe sitting around waiting to find out. I am organizing a group to voice ourconcerns at the event. We will be meeting each other at the corner of Ottawaand Capitol at the Michigan Capitol. Please don’t hesitate to contact me byphone 517-394-4548 or email me: markaeagle at yahoo.com.Below are some critical details. We are making signs and a fact sheet to handout. If you want a sign or want it to say something specific please let meknow. DATE: Thursday, September 17, 2015
TIME:10:30 a.m. 
MEETINGLOCATION:  The corner ofOttawa and Capitol Ave. at the Michigan Capitol.

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