[nfbmi-talk] Holman Prize for blind adventurers and creators

Lydia Anne Schuck lydia.a.schuck at wmich.edu
Thu Nov 9 13:10:03 UTC 2017

>From AFB Alerts Prize for blind adventurers and creators

Call for Submissions for the Holman Prize
Posted by: Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Date: 11/8/2018
The LightHouse for the Blind in San Francisco is calling for submissions for the Holman Prize, a global $25,000 award for blind adventurers and creators. Applications for the prize don’t open until January 16th at 5 PM PST, but we are spreading the word early to give applicants as much time as possible to prepare!

Now in its second year, the Holman Prize was launched by the LightHouse for the Blind in San Francisco as a means of enabling legally blind people from around the world to make their dreams a reality, and to demonstrate to the public at large that in an accessible world, blind people are capable of doing anything that their sighted peers can do.

In its first year, over 200 applications from more than two dozen countries were received, and the three winners, chosen by a panel of blind judges, represent a wide spectrum of ambition and ingenuity. Ahmet Ustunel is training to kayak Turkey’s Bosphorus Strait, completely solo; Penny Melville-Brown is taking her YouTube baking show to six continents; and Ojok Simon is teaching his fellow Ugandans to become self-sustaining beekeepers.

The initial application is a quirky one: we ask each applicant to send us a 90-second YouTube video explaining, briefly, how they would put the prize money to use. From there, a select group of semifinalists will submit in-depth written proposals, and finalists will be interviewed by LightHouse staff.

You can read more about the Holman Prize in the Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, the BBC, PRI’s The World and on our website<http://www.holmanprize.org>.

URL: www.holmanprize.org<http://www.afb.org/community/announcements/call-for-submissions-for-the-holman-prize/www.holmanprize.org>

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