[NFBMI-Talk] Announcements from the president

mpowell7583 at yahoo.com mpowell7583 at yahoo.com
Sun May 23 19:58:27 UTC 2021

Greetings federation family.  I have two important items of interest to
share with you.  I am pleased to announce that Michigan has two national
scholarship finalists who will be awarded one of the scholarships offered by
the National Federation of the Blind at this year's virtual national
convention.  They are Elizabeth Dunn, who is known to many of us as Lizzie
Dunn, and Peter Jansen, who did his undergraduate work at Michigan State.
Lizzie will be continuing her studies in the Social Work Program at Western
Michigan University.     Peter will be going on to Ohio State University
where he will be majoring in medical research.  Please Join me in
congratulating these applicants.  I will invite them to our next state board
meeting so I can present these finalists to you.  That brings me to my
second announcement.  The board of directors of the National Federation of
the Blind of Michigan will be holding its summer quarterly board meeting
Saturday, June 12, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.  The meeting will be in our
Michigan Zoom room and if we need to go later than three we can.  I Look
forward to being with all of you then.  

Remember time is growing short to register for our virtual national
convention.  We are in the process of setting up the necessary form on our
website so those who live in an area where there is no NFB chapter, and
those who need to update their membership in chapters that have not been
actively  meeting    can join our NFB of Michigan At Large chapter so we can
bring everyone up to date who wishes to be actively involved in the work we
are doing to help all blind people come to know that they can live the life
they want.   .  Details to follow soon.

Thank you so much for your cooperation.  

Go to nfb.org and look under the link attend our national convention so you
can register yourself, family, and others.  Attendance is free.  I
definitely look forward to our being able to start meeting in person soon.

Call or email me if you have any questions.  Below my signature you will
find the link to the NFB of Michigan Zoom room.

Thank you.

Michael Powell


National Federation of the Blind of Michigan  


Mpowell7583 at yahoo.com




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