[Nfbofnc] FW: NFB Imagineering Our Future: All I Want for Christmas Is Braille

Tim Jones tjnc2 at carolina.rr.com
Mon Dec 22 23:26:55 UTC 2008



Tim Jones

VP, National Federation of the Blind of N.C.

Phone: 704-491-1486

Email: tjnc2 at carolina.rr.com


About the National Federation of the Blind


With more than 50,000 members, the National Federation of the Blind is the
largest and most influential membership organization of blind people in the
United States.  The NFB improves blind people's lives through advocacy,
education, research, technology, and programs encouraging independence and
self-confidence.  It is the leading force in the blindness field today and
the voice of the nation's blind.  In January 2004 the NFB opened the
National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute, the first research and
training center in the United States for the blind led by the blind.




From: Mark Riccobono [mailto:JerniganInstitute at nfb.org] 
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 6:11 PM
To: tjnc2 at carolina.rr.com
Subject: NFB Imagineering Our Future: All I Want for Christmas Is Braille


 Graphic Logo: NFB Jernigan Institute
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Imagineering Our Future

Issue 8 

December 22, 2008


Message from the Executive Director

 Photo: The Riccobono family

Mark, Austin, & Melissa Riccobono

It was only eleven years ago that I first experienced the Christmas holiday
as a Braille reader.  I have been legally blind for all of my life and had
been struggling to read print since early grade school.  I learned to work
hard and pushed through many years of print reading that was slow and
frustrating.  I remember the difference I felt when I got to Christmas 1997.
I was an intern in the Walt Disney World College Program and had learned
Braille the previous summer.  For the first time, I had the freedom of
managing my lists of people I wanted to send cards to, and buy gifts and do
good deeds for, with ease and efficiency.  I could quickly write down my
reflections from the year and my resolutions for the year ahead.  I could
fully enjoy reading the many wonderful Christmas stories without the eye
fatigue and frustratingly slow pace I was used to in print.  I had more
independence and confidence, and Braille was the reason.

As we prepare for the 2008 Christmas holiday and the two hundredth
anniversary of the birth of Louis Braille (January 4, 2009), I reflect on
what a blessing Braille has been in my life.  This thought is a strange
one-after all, shouldn't we expect literacy to be among the most basic
things that each of us has the opportunity to learn and enjoy? Yet, for the
blind, the literacy that many take for granted is not available.  That basic
right and powerful tool of independence is frequently a struggle to gain
access to because of the low expectations and misunderstanding that exist.

In this holiday season, I ask you to join hands with me, my wife Melissa,
and the other members of the National Federation of the Blind as we commit
ourselves to changing the Braille literacy trend in this country.  The NFB's
Braille Readers are Leaders literacy campaign reflects the same feelings of
hope, love, and united purpose that are found in the holiday season.  As my
family celebrates Christmas and I read the Braille copy of the church
readings and our favorite stories, I am sure I will be thinking about the
work we have to do so that Braille will be viewed as equal to print in every
way that matters.

Please add Braille to your list of new year's resolutions.  Whether you plan
to promote it, learn it, help someone else learn it, or buy the NFB Louis
Braille Commemorative Coin, we can make a difference together in 2009.

Best wishes to you and your family.  Have a safe and joyous holiday season,
and be sure to ring in 2009 by giving a toast to Braille and the
accomplishments of the National Federation of the Blind.

 Graphic: Signature of Mark Riccobono
Mark A. Riccobono, Executive Director, NFB Jernigan Institute 


In this issue:

*	What's New

*	Education

*	Braille Initiative

*	Straight Talk About Vision Loss

*	Technology Talk

*	From the Jacobus tenBroek Library

*	Independence Market

*	Parents of Blind Children

*	Spotlight on the Imagination Fund

*	Upcoming Events

*	Citation



Featured NFB News

 Photo: Lifesized nutcracker holding a long white cane

In this holiday season, quickly followed by the two hundredth birthday of
Louis Braille, we reflect on a mother's true story of twin daughters, one a
print reader, and the other, Braille.

Here's an excerpt: 

"When Christmas season came last year and the girls began to write their
letters to Santa, there was a serious dilemma in the household. Macy
insisted on writing her letter in Braille, which was her method of
communication and therefore not unusual to her. Madison was very concerned
that there would be a terrible problem-she was sure Santa could not read
Braille! Macy was crushed as Madison continued to insist there was no way
Santa would be able to read Macy's letter.

"A heartbroken Macy came to her father and me for reassurance that Madison
was wrong and that Santa did indeed know Braille. We tried our best, but
Macy was not convinced that Santa would be able to read her letter and
feared that therefore Christmas would be a disappointment.

"Macy patiently waited for a response from Santa, wondering if Madison was
correct and hoping she was wrong. Would Santa really be able to read her

Learn the answer to "Macy
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=azmvT4_VtQsNKxbOX_GxCw..> 's




 Photo: Marc Maurer and girl reading Braille

SAVE THE DATE!  The NFB Jernigan Institute will hold an early childhood
conference May 8-9, 2009, in Baltimore, Maryland.  This conference is
primarily open to those parents of blind children ages birth to seven who
live in the Mid-Atlantic region.  However, other interested families are
welcome to attend.  More information will be available in the coming weeks
including how to register for this exciting event.  

Learn more about the NFB Jernigan Institute's Early
Childhood Education Initiative. 
Have you ever wanted to build and launch a rocket?  Are you interested in
learning about forensics?  Or do you have an interest in journalism?  The
possibilities are plentiful at the NFB Youth Slam
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=qSP011lnd4g9wyxycE6YEg..> !
Two hundred blind and low vision students from all across the country will
gather at the University of Maryland, College Park, for this five-day
adventure that will engage, inspire, and encourage the next generation of
blind youth to consider careers falsely believed to be impossible for the
blind.  Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity!  Apply to be a mentor or
student participant today!  
Explore. Discover. Evolve.



Braille Initiative

You may remember that Terry Bradshaw, Hall of Fame NFL quarterback and
current football analyst and co-host of FOX NFL Sunday, has lent his support
to the
Braille Readers are Leaders literacy campaign by becoming a National
Ambassador for Braille Literacy. In Terry Bradshaw
Speaks Out on Braille Literacy, he shares his belief in its importance. The
campaign welcomes another new National Ambassador-Mike Hingson, World Trade
Center survivor and internationally acclaimed public speaker.  With the help
of these influential Americans, we will double the number of school-age
children reading Braille by 2015.

You can help by keeping up on the NFB's Braille literacy efforts.  Visit

 Graphic: Twitter logo

watch our new Braille Literacy video, Braille: Unlocking the Code
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=w1pbv1vXH4XFdt0aYLRaBA..> ;
and  <http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=606WVvS8gYk5VEV9OBjXSg..>
join the mailing list to receive e-mailed updates on the campaign and the
upcoming sale of the NFB-Braille Commemorative Coin in 2009. Now you can
also receive Braille Literacy campaign updates via the social networking
site Twitter.  Join
Twitter to stay connected to the campaign; when Twitter asks you, "What are
you doing?" you can reply, "Making literacy a reality for all blind
Americans."  The NFB-Braille Commemorative Coin will be released for sale
from the U.S. Mint in the spring of 2009.  Watch here and on the home page
of Braille.org for the exact date.  You can download a
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=eErjOiGjVAMzUDldKmvcwA..>  PDF
gift card now to give a Braille coin for the holidays.  

The Jernigan Institute will be hosting a new seminar entitled "Future
Reflections in Braille Research."  Recognized researchers in the field of
Braille will be invited to a two-day seminar in the near future to
collaborate on an agenda for advocacy research, build relationships, and
advocate for selected research questions in the field.

Next is the final mini-lesson on Braille of the year (adapted from the
Instructional Manual for Braille Transcribing):

Braille Mini-lesson 6: Test Yourself! Answers

Braille is a system for reading and writing by touch. Its characters are
formed of six embossed dots within a Braille cell. Below is an illustration
of the alphabet in simulated Braille:

Last month we challenged you to decipher the following phrases written in
the Braille code.  (SPOILER ALERT: Stop reading now if you want to decode
them-the answers <>  are printed later in this issue of Imagineering Our



Straight Talk About Vision Loss 

The Straight Talk About Vision Loss
team presents Episode 21
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=8iSfY21VChcA56O12VVqRA..>  of
the online video series.  The Jernigan Institute executive director talks
with Tom and Eileen Ley about the resources available to people experiencing
the complications of diabetes.  Eileen directs the NFB's diabetes
initiatives, which include the Voice of the Diabetic
quarterly publication.  Tom, diabetic since childhood, volunteers for the
Diabetes Action Network
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=JYn4rUd4qckCsk6JgHwD5g..> , a
division of the National Federation of the Blind.  If you or someone you
love is diabetic, learn how to live well with diabetes as a
blind person and subscribe to the


Product and Access Technology Talk

The International Braille and Technology Center
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=-WalaUi3i7LcOaky8MQlGw..>  for
the Blind (IBTC) is a one-of-a-kind resource for Braille. The IBTC offers
any visitor the opportunity to try out any embosser or Braille display sold
in the United States. There is simply nowhere else where you can make an
appointment to see whether you prefer the Norwegian or the Belgian-one of
only thirty-eight worldwide-high speed embosser. There is nowhere else where
you can try out every kind of Braille display, from twelve to eighty-four
cells, and decide which one is best suited to your needs. As the IBTC also
hosts a number of Braille translation software packages, visitors can go
through the entire process, from creating a file or importing a Word
document into a translation program to embossing it. Whether you are a
student looking for a Braille display to use in college, an employee or
manager looking for the best desktop embosser for your office, an
organization that wants to put out a Braille magazine, or just an interested
party looking to learn more about Braille, the IBTC Access Technology team
can answer your questions like no one else.


>From the tenBroek Library

Season's Greetings from the Jacobus tenBroek Library-Christmas is a good
time to remember Louis Braille, since this season leads directly to the
anniversaries both of Braille's birth on January 4, 1809, and his death,
only forty-two years and two days later.  Braille, as a teenage student,
lived in the dank Paris building that housed the National Institute for
Blind Youth until 1843.  There he invented the Braille Code; it was also
there that Braille contracted tuberculosis.

Braille was a teacher living the Institute's new building when, in early
December 1851, his lung hemorrhaged.  He knew his end was near.

On his deathbed Louis Braille demonstrated the intelligence and concern for
other people that characterized him throughout his life.  He displayed the
best of what we think of as "Christmas spirit."  Having accumulated a little
money and having lived frugally, Braille had lent some money to people he
knew to be in need.  He had a head for business and kept good account of
what he was owed, but as he lay dying he made a point of forgiving his
debts, while making certain his widowed mother was taken care of.

It was this same capacity to think clearly and this same caring nature that
allowed Braille to create the single most important advance for the blind in
human history-the ability to read and write.

The Jacobus tenBroek Library
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=kheQ74I6zBW6plWAK8Cj8A..> ,
the library on blindness that belongs to the organized blind of America, is
pleased to celebrate the life of the man who brought literacy to blind
people around the world.  Happy 200th, Louis Braille!


Independence Market


As part of the Braille Readers are Leaders Braille literacy campaign, the
NFB just released a new Braille alphabet card.  We will distribute this card
far and wide to spread the news about the vital role Braille plays in
enhancing the Independence of blind people of all ages.  If you would like
to assist in raising the public's awareness of Braille's importance, you can
request our new Braille alphabet cards
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=EBoCul7jUW0fwvbR5U_eug..> , in
packages of one hundred, directly from our Independence Market.  Please
e-mail the Independence <mailto:IndependenceMarket at nfb.org>  Market or call
(410) 659-9314, extension 2421, for orders over five hundred cards.  

If you would like to learn more about the history of Braille, you might be
interested in Pamela Lorimer's book Reading By Touch: Trials, Battles, and
Discoveries, available in print and Braille from the Independence Market.
This volume tells the story of how present-day Braille came into being and
describes the several codes that evolved prior to the acceptance of Braille,
as well as the major triumphs and sometimes bitter altercations that arose
surrounding this area, all set against the backdrop of the attitudes and
events of the time.

If you are a parent or educator of a blind child, you may wish to learn more
about how to produce the myriad of classroom materials in Braille for your
student.  Carol Castellano and Dawn Kosman's book, The Bridge to Braille:
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=E3pnFrNuo-LBThhdy06BxQ..>  and
School Success for the Young Blind Child, will answer many of your
questions.  This practical, step-by-step guide will show parents and
teachers how to help blind children progress from early literacy experiences
all the way to full participation in the classroom.  This book is available
in print, Braille, and as electronic text from the Independence Market.  

You may know a blind adult who has not yet had the opportunity to learn
Braille.  The Independence Market sells several Braille curricula for blind
Beginning Braille for Adults, The McDuffy Reader, and the Braille Series.
We also have Braille quick reference
guides for the literary Braille, Nemeth, and computer Braille codes.  

Once you and your friends and family know some Braille, you may want to play
these games that have been adapted with
Braille: a Sudoku board game, Megaword (a board game similar to Scrabble),
and Bingo cards, as well as Braille playing cards (including Uno). 


Parents of Blind Children

In the third weekend of January a workgroup will be having their second
meeting here at the Institute with a goal of developing a Braille assessment
tool that is in full compliance with the Braille provision of IDEA, which
requires that Braille be the default medium for blind and low vision
students. This is a collaboration between the NFB Jernigan Institute and
Affiliate Action teams, in partnership with the NOPBC
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=XrW4R2HUweswWWFkZpzm8w..>  and
Dr. Edward Bell, representing the Professional Development and Research
Institute on Blindness at Louisiana Tech University.


Spotlight on the Imagination Fund

The Imagination Fund
provides support for the outreach efforts of local Federation chapters and
affiliates throughout the United States and ensures the research,
technology, and education programs and initiatives of the National
Federation of the Blind (NFB) Jernigan Institute. In this space, we will
spotlight projects funded by donations to the Imagination Fund. 

This past summer Camp Eureka! natural history program in Montana engaged
blind children 

and junior and adult blind mentors in hands-on activities investigating the
area's native plants and animals, practicing blindness skills, learning
wilderness survival skills, hiking, canoeing, camping, erecting a tipi, and
using technology to detect the chatter and echolocation sounds of bats. Read
the full report
about the Camp Eureka! summer program, providing blind youth with new
challenges and experiences and connecting them with positive, strong role
models to keep them moving forward. 

Answers to Braille Mini-lesson (above):


movie rerun

bees hum

safe bet

twelve dolls

ants make anthills

jump rope

blue umbrella

kettledrums boom

no vacancy

all alike

walnut pancakes

cute quadruplets

agreeably nice

flea bite

yule log

obsolete auto

zigzag road

idiotic idea

spicy salami

beetles scurry

club bylaws

add two plus two

torn cuff

aerial view

free giveaway

wise old man


NFB Upcoming Events

November 1, 2008-January 4, 2009
Braille Readers Are Leaders Contest time period.  Contestants compete for
recognition and prizes. 

January 4, 2009 Louis Braille's 200th Birthday. One hundred commemorative
Braille literacy events
will be hosted by NFB members nationwide.

January 5, 2009 Deadline to make Washington Seminar hotel reservations. Call
(303) 778-1130, extension 219, or e-mail Lisa
<mailto:lbonderson at cocenter.org>  Bonderson.  

January 8, 2009 Last day to file a claim under Target Web site settlement,
for blind individuals who had difficulty accessing Target.com while in
California. See the settlement
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=CP0UJ2LvNevD5bxcG9c3FQ..>  Web
site for instructions.

February 8, 2009 Washington Seminar
Great Gathering-In meeting, 5:00 p.m.

February 8-11, 2009 Washington Seminar, Holiday Inn Capitol, 550 C Street
SW, Washington, D.C.  2009 legislative agenda and fact sheets will be on the
Washington Seminar
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=Z0bvI50rn5aBIEWwGekDbQ..>  Web
page early in January.

March 1, 2009
Student and
Mentor and Volunteer applications due for the 2009 NFB Youth Slam
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=X2VBKU83eHyj4X-7IDvAJw..> . 

March 7, 2009 National
Center for Mentoring Excellence Career Fair for Ohio and Texas mentors and

March 14, 2009 National
Center for Mentoring Excellence Career Fair for Georgia and Utah mentors and

April 4, 2009 The Cane Event: Celebrating
Braille Readers are Leaders, black-tie-optional gala. 

Make plans now to be a part of THE CANE EVENT
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=OpcgIfv8lTSviKJGFdqCsA..> :
Celebrating Braille Readers are Leaders, to be held at the NFB Jernigan
Institute.  Please join us for a night of entertainment, food, and silent
and live auctions to support upcoming NFB Jernigan Institute initiatives and
programs.  Sponsorship opportunities
available and auction donations
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=ulhO1GZu7ejefW4dvu1LMQ..>  now
being accepted. 


April 17, 2009 Jacobus tenBroek Disability
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=w3VAEIAqL04JgsP5OXjRMA..>  Law
Symposium. Conference registration opening soon.

May 8-9, 2009 Early Childhood Conference, open to parents of blind children
ages birth to seven who live in the Mid-Atlantic region. Part of NFB
Jernigan Institute's Early Childhood
Education initiative.

July 3-9, 2009  NFB 2009 National
Convention, Marriott at the Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan.  For
reservations write directly to the Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center, 100
Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan 48243, or call (313) 568-8000.

July 6, 2009 Motor City March
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=u4Sk8gV5vv8-fjZoQiDJXg..>  for
Independence, A Walk for Opportunity, Detroit, Michigan. Register to
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=wgePGn6Mg94G5rGK8uNpAg..>  in
the third annual March in Detroit.  Hear an audio
report on last year's Dallas March.

July 26-August 1, 2009 NFB Youth Slam
<http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=zepGOl4xSLwVgDFCEa2OTQ..> : A
STEM Leadership Academy, University of Maryland, College Park.  View a new
video about this exciting event! 




Many of today's children seem to have the attitude that they are "forced,"
not "permitted," to go to school, that they are "required," not "given the
privilege and honor," to study. They are inundated with reading matter. It
is not scarce but a veritable clutter, not something to strive for but to
take for granted. I don't want children or the general public to be deprived
of reading matter, but I sometimes think that a scald is as bad as a freeze.
Is it worse to be deprived of books until you feel starved for them, or to
be so overwhelmed with them that you become blase about it? I don't know,
and I don't know that it will do me any good to speculate. All I know is
that I not only delight in reading but believe it to be a much neglected joy
and a principal passport to success, perspective, civilization, and possibly
the survival of the species. I am of that group which deplores the
illiteracy which characterizes much of our society and distinguishes many of
its would-be leaders and role models. I am extremely glad I have had the
opportunity and incentive to read as broadly as I have, and I believe my
life is so much better for the experience that it borders on the difference
between living and existence.

- <http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=-LaRO2x9eLOiD6YcmwXS7w..>
Reflections of a Lifelong Braille Reader, Dr. Kenneth Jernigan, Future
Reflections, Winter 1996


Back to Top 

Thank you for reading the NFB Jernigan Institute's Imagineering Our Future.

 Photo: Group on white water raft

Support the Jernigan Institute through the
Imagination Fund

 Photo: Young woman playing flute

Interesting links: 

Archive of Straight Talk about Vision Loss videos

National Center for Blind Youth in Science

Access Technology Tips


 Photo: Youth practicing martial art


Access Technology

Voice of the Nation's Blind

 Photo: Senior couple


Publication archives: 

Voice of the Diabetic

Future Reflections

Braille Monitor


 Photo: Mom and son take a moment and a hug

 Graphic Logo: National Federation of the Blind

Visit us at

 Photo: Blind little girl with cane

 Photo: Blind youth reading Braille book

 Photo: Blind girl examining model of constellations

 Photo: Blind boy with tactile globe

 Blind Teens Carry the 2007 Youth March for Independence Banner

 Imagine a Future Full of Opportunity




Jernigan Institute, National Federation of the Blind, 1800 Johnson Street,
Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 659-9314      Fax (410) 659-5129      E-mail
<mailto:JerniganInstitute at nfb.org?subject=Reply%20to%20Imagineering%20Our%20
Future> JerniganInstitute at nfb.org
Visit us at www.nfb.org


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Top-Rated by the American Institute of Philanthropy.

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