[Nfbofnc] up datwe, Tuesday at the legislature

Lusi Radford lusi98 at nc.rr.com
Thu May 26 02:40:28 UTC 2011

Greetings Everyone.


Several of you have called or emailed to ask how our day at the Legislature went yesterday. In a sentence: It was fantastic! 


First we attended the HHS Committee Meeting. The committee recommended that the legislature drop merger from the budget. It would be to costly to proceed with it because of all the federal dollars involved. And, as we already knew, it wouldn’t save much money. This happened because of all of your calls and emails. Thank you for all of your work. 


I would like to thank the following people who spent the day handing out position papers and encouraging Legislators to follow the Senate HHS Appropriations Committee’s lead.

1. Stacy Williams. It was Stacy’s birthday and she spent it lobbying.

2. Sharon Newton. Sharon came from Charlotte to help for the day.

3. Debby Human. Debby has been very active calling and emailing legislators. She has helped me pass out position papers on another occasion.

4. Mary Helen Pearsall. This was Mary Helen’s first time lobbying for NFB of NC. With her thirty years of working with DSB and seeing how people fare in other states which have combined agencies, she added a lot to our effort.

5. Joana Simmons. Joana took some time off to help us.  She is very articulate and  did a great job of stating our position.

6. Julius Locklear. Julius is becoming a veteran lobbyist at the Legislature. He enjoyed having reinforcements as much as I did.

7. Billy Hinant. Billy was the second guide doge user in our group. The dogs always attract attention.


Although we have had good news and one great day, the battle isn’t over yet. First the Senate appropriations committee has to adopt the HHS Committee’s recommendations. Then the House and Senate Conference Committee have to iron out differences in the two budgets. At this point Newsline is in both versions of the budget.


For now please keep the pressure up on the Senate. Keep those emails and calls going. It isn’t time to pull back. We need to keep our position before them.


There will be some different instructions coming out probably before the end of next week, so stay tuned.  It isn’t over yet. 


Last night one of my chapter members called. When he called a particular senator’s office he explained who he was and which group he was with. The legislative assistant immediately said, “and you’re against merger. We’re covered with calls and emails about this issue and every one is against it.” These are the kinds of stories I love to hear.


Until next time.




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