[Nfbofnc] Fwd: FW: Urgent Alert: Portman Amendment Likely Headed to Senate Floor

Dale Lieser dale.lieser at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 14:02:32 UTC 2012


Would you please strip the tedious forwarding information from such emails,
just as you would like someone to have done for you? I think that would be a
big help for all of us., and would allow us to work more efficiently.

Thank you, sir.

Dale Lieser

-----Original Message-----
From: nfbofnc-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbofnc-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Tim Jones
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 8:35 AM
To: NFB of North Carolina List
Subject: [Nfbofnc] Fwd: FW: Urgent Alert: Portman Amendment Likely Headed to
Senate Floor


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hamm, Elaine <elaine.hamm at dhhs.nc.gov>
Date: Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 7:46 AM
Subject: FW: Urgent Alert: Portman Amendment Likely Headed to Senate Floor
To: "Correro, Victor" <victor.correro at dhhs.nc.gov>, "Sladich, Rick" <
rick.sladich at dhhs.nc.gov>, "Tate, Rick" <rick.tate at dhhs.nc.gov>, "Weaver,
Eddie" <eddie.weaver at dhhs.nc.gov>, "Flanagan, Mary" <
mary.flanagan at dhhs.nc.gov>, Angela Turner <angelaturner at intrstar.net>,
Anthony Pezzimenti <lpezzimenti at yahoo.com>, Belinda Miller <
b1mmiller at centurylink.net>, Benita Campbell <bgcamp at intrstar.net>, Bill
Woodlief <wwoodlief at nc.rr.com>, Bobby Almond <lindapar at ptmc.net>, Carl
Davenport <rdeskins at triad.rr.com>, Carl Johnson
<carolynjohnson85 at yahoo.com>,
Cecil Polk <cecilpolk at clearwire.net>, Chad Hooks <chadhooks at hotmail.com>,
Charles Coffey <acfwvending at aol.com>, charles guthrie <
albemarlecafe at nc.rr.com>, Chet Richardson <chetrichardson57 at gmail.com>,
Chris Arriola <ccarriola at aol.com>, Chris Faircloth <
chriswfaircloth at gmail.com>, "SVC_ITS.its.cafe" <its.cafe at its.nc.gov>, Dawne
Garry <dawne.garry at yahoo.com>, Demarious Bowens <demarious at live.com>, Donna
Robbins <dmoody at nc.rr.com>, Ed Fawbush <fawbushvending at bellsouth.net>, Eric
Holmes <holmesunity at aol.com>, Eva Yee <eyee10 at gmail.com>, Evelyn Robertson <
ldyncharge at msn.com>, Gary Ward <Wa8Ga at aol.com>, George Long <
glong001 at nc.rr.com>, James Bruno <we1256 at aol.com>, Jerry Goodman <
blt324 at windstream.net>, Jeyy White <midwayvi at surry.net>, Jim Hitt <
jimhittjr at hotmail.com>, Joe Parker <parkervending at gmail.com>, John Estes <
john.estes1 at me.com>, Julius Locklear <jrl006 at bellsouth.net>, Lee Thompson <
mlt5354 at embarqmail.com>, Lee Turner <leeturner at intrstar.net>, Louis Burton <
lburton at nc.rr.com>, Mark Grasty <mrgrasty77 at gmail.com>, Mark Smith <
msmith51 at hughes.net>, Paula Pike <ppike09 at yahoo.com>, "Cafe, Esc" <
esc.cafe at ncesc.gov>, Ron Eller <mreller47 at att.net>, Ruben Bowens <
rbowens1 at nc.rr.com>, Ryan Palmer <ryanpalmer at rocketmail.com>, Stella Gibbs <
stella.gibbs at earthlink.net>, Stephen Earl <lejuan2761 at gmail.com>, Steve
Suits <ssuits at triad.rr.com>, Steve Weadon <eweadon at triad.rr.com>, Steven
Shores <stevenshores at gmail.com>, Steven Shores <shores.cafe at gmail.com>,
Stonie Eastman <eastmanvending at gmail.com>, Ted Horne <horn5212 at yahoo.com>,
Terri Silverio <cortez142street at yahoo.com>, THomas McGuire <
thomas.mcguire6 at gmail.com>, Tim Jones <tmjnc2 at gmail.com>, Tim Kapps <
timkappsr54 at gmail.com>, Tomy Simmons <t49 at mindspring.com>, Tony Hoppes <
easyvend at bellsouth.net>, Vernon Cox <vernoncox at bellsouth.net>, Warren Moore
<wgmoore1906 at yahoo.com>, Warren Moore <bluenotecafe at gmail.com>, Wayne Pontz
<57deli at carolina.rr.com>, David McCray <Mccray18 at ymail.com>, Donnie Rouse <
drouse9 at suddenlink.net>, Evelyn Redmond <eredmond608 at gmail.com>, Harold
Williamson <dipset1085 at yahoo.com>, Heather Destefano <
hdestefano212 at hotmail.com>, Jackie Estes <jackieestes at me.com>, John
Boatwright <jboatwright267 at embarqmail.com>, John Dillon <
jcharlesdillon at gmail.com>, Larry Huffman <lhuffman1 at triad.rr.com>, Laurie
Ledwell <Lledwell1 at carolina.rr.com>, Lee Hartline <
general_lee28625 at yahoo.com>, Ricky Ward <rickyjimkroe0522 at att.net>, Roger
Wright <hardrightroger at yahoo.com>, Ryan Spears <ryanspears67 at gmail.com>,
Susan Long <sweetladyque at charter.net>, Tom Neal <tneal33 at nc.rr.com>, Tyrone
Hall <tyhall68 at gmail.com>, Wallace Brame <wbrame at mindspring.com>, "Speight,
Cynthia" <cynthia.speight at dhhs.nc.gov>, "Dotson, Sheryl" <
sheryl.dotson at dhhs.nc.gov>, "Britton, Jan" <jan.britton at dhhs.nc.gov>,
"Jones, Preston" <preston.jones at dhhs.nc.gov>, "Respess, Craig" <
craig.respess at dhhs.nc.gov>, "Colagerakis-nelon, Deb" <
deb.colagerakis-nelon at dhhs.nc.gov>, "Ishak, Karla"
<karla.ishak at dhhs.nc.gov>,
"Mcalpine, George" <george.mcalpine at dhhs.nc.gov>, "Moser, Voncile" <
voncile.moser at dhhs.nc.gov>, "Noble, Steven" <steven.noble at dhhs.nc.gov>

 Please read attached.

*From:* Tim Jones [mailto:tmjnc2 at gmail.com]
*Sent:* Wednesday, March 07, 2012 7:13 AM
*To:* Hamm, Elaine; angelaturner at intrstar.net

*Subject:* Fwd: Urgent Alert: Portman Amendment Likely Headed to Senate

please forward

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Nicky* <nickycolorado at netscape.net>
Date: Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 5:49 PM
Subject: Fwd: Urgent Alert: Portman Amendment Likely Headed to Senate Floor
To: lhr1827 at optonline.net, tom at linkerinc.com, kyleaihara at yahoo.com,
tspiliotis at tampabay.rr.com, mreller47 at att.net, pjschnurr at att.net,
lakotawolfe at comcast.net, harold.wilson2 at verizon.net, tmjnc2 at gmail.com,
dontufts at hotmail.com



 -----Original Message-----
From: Vito DeSantis <Vito.DeSantis at dhs.state.nj.us>
To: nickycolorado <nickycolorado at netscape.net>
Sent: Tue, Mar 6, 2012 5:31 pm
Subject: FW: Urgent Alert: Portman Amendment Likely Headed to Senate Floor

*From:* Sean Whalen
[mailto:swhalen at linchpinstrategies.com<swhalen at linchpinstrategies.com?>]

*Sent:* Tuesday, March 06, 2012 4:33 PM
*To:* bep_state_directors at ncsab.org
*Subject:* Urgent Alert: Portman Amendment Likely Headed to Senate Floor

Good afternoon,

Earlier this afternoon the Senate voted 52 yeas to 44 nays not to move to a
vote on final passage of S. 1813 (60 votes are required on such a motion).

This means that the only feasible path forward on this must-pass bill is
through a unanimous consent agreement reached by Senate leadership on which
amendments will be allowed to be considered. As mentioned in an earlier
update, Majority and Minority Leaders Reid and McConnell continue to
negotiate the final package of amendments for consideration. Just before
today's vote, Senator McConnell made a unanimous consent request, laying
out the particular amendments that the Republicans want to get votes on.
Portman #1742 to commercialize rest areas was among those listed by
McConnell. This means that Republican leadership in the Senate will push
for a vote on Senator Portman's amendment as part of the ultimate agreement.

It is extremely likely that each and every United States Senator will be
asked to vote on whether or not to allow rest area commercialization when
amendments are considered; possibly as early as tomorrow (Wednesday), and
almost certainly this week.

I have once again attached a letter, written in non-lobbying terms, that
SLAs can send to their Senators. I have also attached a spreadsheet with
the transportation staffers in each Senate office to enable you to
communicate concerns directly to the appropriate individual in each office.

Please contact your Senators, and please pass this message along to your
elected committees of blind vendors and you state consumer organizations of
the blind and urge them to do the same.

It is absolutely vital that every U.S. Senator is aware of the devastating
impact on Randolph-Sheppard entrepreneurs, and the small family businesses
they manage, of highway rest area commercialization. The time to have our
voice heard on this issue is now!

All Senate offices can be reached via telephone through the Capitol
switchboard at (202) 225-3121.

Please let me know if you have any questions or require assistance.

And, as always, thank you all for your tireless work to preserve business
opportunities for the blind of America.

Thank you,


Sean Whalen

Policy Associate

Linchpin Strategies, LLC

639 Massachusetts Ave NE

Washington, DC 20002

Phone:  (866) 443-0998

Fax:       (202) 318-8113

This E-mail, including any attachments, may be intended solely for the
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This message may include advisory, consultative and/or deliberative
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public document. Any Information in this e-mail identifying a client of the
Department of Human Services is confidential. If you have received this
e-mail in error, you must not review, transmit, convert to hard copy, copy,
use or disseminate this e-mail or any attachments to it and you must delete
this message. You are requested to notify the sender by return e-mail.

Tim Jones
North Carolina Food Service
Fort Bragg, NC
Office:  910-396-2297
Cell:  704-491-1486


Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North
Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an
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legally privileged, or otherwise confidential information, including
confidential information relating to an ongoing State procurement effort,
is prohibited by law. If you have received this e-mail in error, please
notify the sender immediately and delete all records of this e-mail.

Tim Jones
North Carolina Food Service
Fort Bragg, NC
Office:  910-396-2297
Cell:  704-491-1486

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