[Nfbv-announce] FW: VRCBVI Saturday Seminars

Fredric Schroeder fschroeder at sks.com
Wed Jan 21 14:21:38 UTC 2009



From: Koger, Carol D. [mailto:Carol.Koger at dbvi.virginia.gov] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 9:05 AM
To: ~ All DBVI Staff; nbmorgan1 at juno.com; fschroeder at sks.com;
lgbroady at verizon.net
Subject: RE: VRCBVI Saturday Seminars

Sorry, I listed JAWS with Word twice and left off JAWS for Internet.  See
<<Internet - JAWS 4-4-09 - ann.doc>> 

From:   Koger, Carol D.  
Sent:   Tuesday, January 20, 2009 2:11 PM 
To:     ~ All DBVI Staff; 'nbmorgan1 at juno.com'; 'fschroeder at sks.com';
'lgbroady at verizon.net' 
Subject:        VRCBVI Saturday Seminars 

Attached are the announcement flyers for the classes VRCBVI is offering for
March 7 and April 4 of 2009.  These classes are open to any adolescent or
adult who has the prerequisite skills.  Please share this information as you
see fit.  Thank you.

 << File: BrailleNote VoiceNote 4-4-09.doc >>  << File: Duxbury 4-4-09 -
ann.doc >>  << File: Excel  I with JAWS - 3-7-09 - ann.doc >>  << File:
Internet  - ZT  4-4-09 - ann.doc >>  << File: JFW 9 - Word  - 3-7-09 -
ann.doc >>  << File: JFW 9 - Word  - 3-7-09 - ann.doc >>  << File: PAC Mate
- 3-7-09 - ann.doc >>  << File: ZT 9 - Word  3-7-09 - ann.doc >> 

Carol D. Koger, MS, CRC, CRT 
Assistant Director for Administration 
Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired 
401 Azalea Avenue 
Richmond, VA 23227 
804  371-3326 
 <mailto:carol.koger at dbvi.virginia.gov> carol.koger at dbvi.virginia.gov 

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