[Nfbv-announce] At-large NFBV Conference Call Announcement

John Bailey john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 22 22:30:36 UTC 2010

Minutes from the May National Federation of the Blind At-Large Conference Call


By John Bailey

Chairman, Membership Committee



Each month, the leadership of the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia (NFBV) reaches out to all areas in our state where a current NFBV chapter does not yet exist. Anyone who is interested in current issues involving those with low-vision and blindness, state resources, scholarship opportunities, starting a chapter in your area, or anything that interests you, is welcome to join us.


We meet the last Thursday of the month at 8:00 pm in a conference call that unites all corners of the state so that we can freely share information and fellowship. Look for future announcements about specific phone numbers to call to participate.


Last Month's Meeting:

We had several conference call attendees come to talk about some of the most exciting events concerning the blind in recent times. For example, legislation regarding "Quiet Cars" is in the process of becoming a law. 


Quiet Cars are hybrid vehicles which emit no engine noise below the speed of 35 miles-per-hour. It was over seven years ago when the NFB was approached by concerned blind people who believed that cars that didn't make noise were a danger to those who used their hearing at intersections to know when it was safe to cross. 


It was later recognized in studies funded by the federal government that this silent danger makes everyone twice as likely to be injured by a quiet car as one that runs utilizing a traditional internal combustion engine. So, quiet cars are a potential danger no matter what your visual acuity!


Legislation requiring quiet cars to make an appropriate sound is working its way through both the Senate and the Congress and the NFB is hopeful that the bills will become law before the fall.


During the conference call we also discussed our national convention which is coming up during the July 4th week in Dallas, Texas.


The state and national NFB organizations offer thousands of dollars in scholarships to qualifying students as well as funding to support those (due to financial constraints) who wish to attend convention and would otherwise not be able to attend.


We also discussed another exciting innovation spearheaded by the NFB, the first automobile that can be driven by the blind. Transportation freedom has always been a goal for those who cannot operate their own cars. Now, with funding from the NFB in alliance with Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blacksburg, you can see the only "blind drivable" vehicle in existence at our convention. The vehicle will be on exhibit there and all are invited to check it out for themselves.


It was agreed that the next at-large meeting would be the last Thursday in July and that there would be no June meeting because of the start of our national convention. So, our next meeting will be Thursday,, July 29, at 8:00PM. A conference call phone number will be announced later.


Call for Topics:

The viability of our at-large conferences depends on your participation. In order to continue our success, we need to know what topics are of interest to you. So, please email us with topics that are of interest to you so that we can continue being a valuable resource to all Virginians.



Send topic ideas to the moderator:

Fred Schroeder

fschroeder at sks.com




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