[Nfbv-announce] Fwd Veterans USDA Internships

Brian Mccann brnmccnn at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 16:31:05 UTC 2012

USDA Internships.

Good Morning,****

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I am working with the USDA Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services. They are
actively recruiting for non-paid internships. They wish to provide work
experience and engagement to as many veterans as possible. USDA managers
have expressed a great interest in hosting interns and equipping them with
the skills needed to enter the civilian workforce. The Farm and Foreign
Agricultural Services have many different opportunities ranging from budget
to human resources. If you have any veterans that would be interested in
this opportunity please contact Darlene Andrew  at  202-401-0343.
Employment may be possible after the internship is over. Thank you.****



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Tony E. Paschal****

Business Relations Specialist****

District of Columbia Department on Disability Services ****

Rehabilitation Services Administration ****

1125 15th Street N.W. 4th Floor****

Washington, DC 20005-2726****

202.590.7700 (Office)****

202.730.1843 (Fax)****

mailto:tony.paschal at dc.gov <tony.paschal at dc.gov>****


Follow DDS on Twitter <http://twitter.com/DDS_DC> and

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