[Nfbv-announce] Announcement: FTC's Identity Theft Program for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Fredric Schroeder fschroeder at sks.com
Thu Jul 18 21:00:33 UTC 2013

The following information comes to us from Mary Chappell. As you may know,
Mary is a longtime member of the Federation and  has recently completed her
doctorate in psychology.




Doug, my husband, and I are now working a home-based business that offers
identity theft protection to our customers. This is available to anyone in
the Federation who may be interested in  this protection. I currently use it

Anyone may go to my website to learn more about this terrific protection or
other products or services.


I welcome questions and more via email  or phone  mtc5 at cox.net or 703


Please let me know your thoughts.


Mary Tatum Chappell, Psy.D.

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