[nfbwatlk] Fw: Work Opportunity in Spokane

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Wed Apr 1 03:13:29 UTC 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Glenn McCully" <glennmccully at comcast.net>
To: "'David Egan'" <david.egan at earthlink.net>; <wcb-l at wcbinfo.org>
Cc: <dhelsel at seattlelh.org>; <dvandussen at seattlelh.org>; 
<susan at visualizerset.com>
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Wcb-l] Work Opportunity in Spokane

Hello All,

Glenn McCully here from the HR department at the Lighthouse just wanting 
correct some bad information in this email

Roosevelt Stevenson is NOT the proper contact concerning employment at 
Lighthouse in Seattle or Spokane.  Roosevelt has nothing to do with the
hiring process. He is one of our marketing and sales team members at the 
Lewis and McChord bases.   Anyone interested in employment should 
Don Helsel our Director of Recruiting, Orientation and Accessibility at

You may also check current job listings for all locations on our website 
www.seattlelighthouse.org <http://www.seattlelighthouse.org/>

The mailing address for resumes and paper applications is

Human Resources

Lighthouse for the Blind Inc.

2501 S Plum Street

Seattle, WA 98144


Glenn McCully


From: wcb-l-bounces at wcbinfo.org [mailto:wcb-l-bounces at wcbinfo.org] On 
Of David Egan
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 5:09 PM
To: wcb-l at wcbinfo.org
Subject: [Wcb-l] Work Opportunity in Spokane

I'm just passing this on as a bit of good information for our 
Have learned that the positions are nearly all taken, but it doesn't do 
harm for those of us looking for work to check into this.  It's good to 
that there are jobs out there.  David

From: Susan M. Duncan [mailto:susan at visualizerset.com]

Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 11:27 AM

To: 'David Egan'; 'Doug Hildie'

Cc: 'Roosevelt Stevenson'

Subject: Spokane work opportunities

Importance: High

Good morning Doug and David!

One of my colleagues who works for the Lighthouse For the Blind phoned 
nite to say they

are hiring for their new extension satellite branch in Spokane. Do you 
anyone looking for

a job? They hope to hire 50 people or so by the end of the year and now 
looking for all

levels of skill in 15-20 people. Hiring People with disabilities is
certainly a part of the mission.

Roosevelt Stevenson can be reached at 253-921-5727 and I have included 
in this email.

Getting people back to work is so key and I know you two have great
connections state wide!



Susan M. Duncan

The ABCs of Accessibility inc.

541-385-7762/  541-389-7921 (fax)

susan at visualizerset.com



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