[nfbwatlk] Youth Track at the State Convention

Denise Mackenstadt dmackenstadt at comcast.net
Mon Sep 27 01:10:37 UTC 2010

As we near the time for the NFB of Washington Annual State Convention we are planning to have another youth track.  Last fall we successfully included several blind youth in a track during convention which included peer connections, mentoring with blind adults and participation in convention activities.  An essential part of this experience is the opportunity for blind youth to follow the activities of the convention with the help of an adult blind mentor.  Again we are soliciting members to participate as mentors throughout the convention.  Mentoring may take two different tracks.  First we are in need of male and female mentors who will be willing to chaperone a blind young person in their room for the weekend.  Secondly, mentors will be assigned one or two blind young people to help navigate through the convention activities.  Mentors may take on both or just one of these responsibilities.  Please respond to me at dmackenstadt at comcast.net or at (206)419-9555.  Our efforts in introducing blind young people to the National Federation of the Blind and our philosophy is a rewarding experience.  These young people are traveling a journey that most of us have already traveled.  Hopefully, our efforts will enable them to travel life's journey with confidence and pride as blind persons.
Denise Mackenstadt
dmackenstadt at comcast.net

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