[Oabs] Great work and reminders.

Kaiti Shelton kaiti.shelton at gmail.com
Wed Nov 6 14:28:08 UTC 2013

Hi all, 


I want to thank those of you who have already responded to the emails I have
sent with your job proposals, and am pleased to report that so far everyone
has accepted their positions.  There is a phone call I need to return today
to discuss a position, but other than that we're doing a great job of
getting positions figured out quickly and efficiently.  


Here are a couple of quick reminders.  Remember that if you do not hear from
me by tomorrow evening and you would still like a job, please let me know as
soon as possible so we can discuss your talents and how we can use them in
the group.  Also, if you have not emailed me back regarding your job or have
questions, please reach out so we can get those answered by this Friday.  I
will extend the deadline if need be, but I'd like to keep things moving and
know who all the coordinators are by Friday night.  


Please subscribe to the Ohio Association of Blind Students list on
nfbnet.org.  It will make communication a lot easier on everyone, and
announcements from other lists will be periodically sent to that list as
well so it's a great way to stay informed.  At some point we will switch
over to using this list, and will no longer send notifications out to
individual emails unless extenuating circumstances arise.  You can see my
first general email sent out on Monday night for directions, and get in
touch with me should you need assistance in subscribing.    


Per our constitution, we are supposed to have two at large board members in
addition to our officers to serve as the OABS board.  If you are not already
in an office, please consider running for one of the two board member
positions.  We will discuss this, and possibly hold elections for these
positions, on the 15th.                


Kaiti Shelton

University of Dayton---2016

Music Therapy Major, Psychology Minor, Clarinet

Ohio Association of Blind Students, President 

Advocates for Sexual Assault Prevention (ASAP), Vice President

NFB Community Service Group, Service Project Committee Chair

Sigma Alpha Iota-Delta Sigma, Usher Coordinator


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