[Oabs] Scheduling.

Kaiti Shelton kaiti.shelton at gmail.com
Wed Aug 27 00:53:33 UTC 2014

Hi OABSters,

I have a question I'd like to pose to you all about scheduling.
Looking at the 3 yes, 3 responses I've received thus far (hint hint),
it looks like the only day that works for everyone is Friday.
However, several people have expressed a desire to hold the meetings
on a week day so that Friday nights are free.  I know that a few of us
sometimes have conflicts with campus organizations who host events or
other programs on Friday nights, so here's my attempt at a compromise.
Since most universities have a cut off time for class on Fridays, E.G,
3:00 PM is UD's time when all classes stop for the weekend, we do not
necessarily need to wait till 7:00 to have our meeting.  I know
personally that I am free from all school obligations after 3:00, so
it's wide open for me if we want to move the meeting up on Fridays.

If you've already responded via the survey, you can just privately let
me know if you are in favor of this idea or not, and suggest a time to
start our meeting if you like based on your schedule for Fridays.  If
you have not yet filled out the survey I sent out last week, please
take a minute to do so, and bear in mind that the 7:00 to 9:00 PM
start time does not necessarily apply to Fridays.

P.S, a reminder that the NABS membership survey, which you all should
have received via email, closes on Thursday.  Please take a few
minutes to provide valuable feedback on your experience with NABS to
our national organization leaders.  If you did not receive the email
with the link to the survey in it I would be happy to forward it to

Thanks, and I hope that everyone is having a good first week back at
the grindstone.

Kaiti Shelton
University of Dayton 2016.
Music Therapy, Psychology, Philosophy
President, Ohio Association of Blind Students
Sigma Alpha Iota-Delta Sigma

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