[Oabs] Cool app for mobile reading

Kaiti Shelton kaiti.shelton at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 01:37:08 UTC 2014

Hi all, 


I came across a new app in a crazy search for a very hard to find book for
class.  It's called Overdrive media Console and it's available from the app
store.  Overdrive lets you borrow books from libraries you have a membership
with, and you can get them in text and audiobook formats.  It works just
like a library; you have the book file for a certain amount of time, then
when the time is up you can renew it as long as there are not too many
people on a waiting list, or the book will automatically go away and be
"returned."  So far the accessibility seems pretty good.  And, here's the
cool part; I was browsing on the Cincinnati Public Library catalog, and
there was this big banner which said, "Accessible EBooks."  I tapped it, and
it promoted the partnership with Bookshare and the LEAP program.  I thought
it was really cool to see Bookshare promoted on a public forum like that,
and to see that the app was so accessible itself.  I have yet to download
anything since I'm still looking for the particular title, but it looks like
a cool app worth trying.    


Kaiti Shelton

University of Dayton---2016

Music Therapy Major, Psychology Minor, Clarinet

Ohio Association of Blind Students, President 

NFB Community Service Group, Service Project Committee Chair

Sigma Alpha Iota-Delta Sigma


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