[Oabs] Fund-raising Committee Meeting Time

Emily Pennington emilypennington at fuse.net
Thu Jan 15 13:45:39 UTC 2015

Hi, OABSters.

For those of you who just started school again, I hope your semester is off
to an awesome, not-too-stressful start. I know I'm loving my schedule, not
to mention taking only 16 credit hours this time around.

Anyway, it's that time of year again - the time where we collectively
determine the best time for committees to meet. Rather than make this
open-ended to the point of stress, I have come up with two options I think
you'll like. I know our regular business meetings are switching to
Thursdays, so we could meet on the fourth Thursday of the month between 7:00
and 9:00, or we could keep our Friday time. I know I'm going to keep it
during the fourth week, and personally, I'm a fan of meeting at either 7:30
or 8:00 so people have a chance to grab dinner and relax for a little bit
after class, but I want to hear from my committee members - and those who
are new and want to join - as to what they would prefer.

With that in mind, please e-mail me you feedback by Monday, January 19, at
11:59 PM, at which point I'll make a decision and let you know. If neither
of those two options will work, fear not - I just wanted to make choosing a
little easier, and I'm totally willing to work with you if you want to be on
one of the most fun committees ever!

Can you tell I've been up since 5:45 and had caffeine with my breakfast?
Haha. Anyway, let me know what you all think. Kaiti, if Kyle isn't on the
list but is still interested, pass this along to him, por favor.

Thanks, everyone, and have a great, long weekend.




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