[Oabs] January Fund-raising Committee Report

Emily Pennington emilypennington at fuse.net
Wed Jan 28 15:34:20 UTC 2015

Hi, OABSters.

Here - at long last - is the fund-raising committee report I've been working
on for the last several days. I want to thank Elif for coming, and Kaiti for
trying to join the call even though - for some odd reason - the conference
line was not working for her. We also had a guest at the meeting in the form
of my friend Shane from Kentucky, who provided some great suggestions, too.

It was a small but productive meeting, and my hope is that attendance will
be even better next time around and we will make even more headway on a
successful year.

I would love this report to spark some discussion on the list. What ideas do
you love? What questions do you have? Better yet, do you have any other
awesome fund-raising ideas you're dying to share? I want to hear it all -
not to mention how happy I am when the list is buzzing with activity.

One more thing: Our next meeting is supposed to be on Friday, February 27.
However, one of the Christmas gifts I received is a trip to the symphony at
Music Hall to watch a pianist whose name I'm not even going to try to spell
here, and - you guessed it  -- it is on February 27. I want to know your
thoughts on rescheduling the meeting. I'd be willing to hold it on Thursday,
the 26th, at 7:30, but I know that wouldn't work for everyone. I'll be on
spring break the following week, so we could have it any day then - even on
the following Friday, which would be March 6. Let me know your thoughts, and
I'll work with those to come up with an alternate date and time.




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