[Ohio-Communities-of-Faith] FW: [CWWC] FW: Deep Calls to Deep

Michael Moore mmoore11 at kent.edu
Wed May 26 17:11:21 UTC 2021



From: committed-walk-with-Christ at groups.io [mailto:committed-walk-with-Christ at groups.io] On Behalf Of Healing Song Massage via groups.io
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 12:37 AM
To: Healing Song Massage
Subject: EXT: [CWWC] FW: Deep Calls to Deep




From: Experience Hope eDevotional [mailto:edevotional at flc.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 9:01 AM
To: Friend
Subject: Deep Calls to Deep


Take time to be with God today! 

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Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me. 

─ Psalm 42:7 ESV 


Deep Calls to Deep


Music moves us, touches the deepest places of our souls. The lyrics speak life or death. The rhythm and sound flow through us, shaping us much like the rushing water of a river shapes the land it flows through.  

That’s why praise music brings us into the throne room of God. Worship is a well that runs deep. Nothing is more fulfilling than the very presence of God, washing over us in waves as we praise His name.  


Our verse today is a picture of communication with the Father. He calls to your spirit, speaking to the deep things in your heart that sometimes our head doesn’t quite understand, but our hearts experience Him fully and understand what He says.  

Something powerful happens when you open your heart up to God, when you surrender completely to Him. You step into the waters of His presence, and He fills you. When you call out, He floods the deepest places of your soul that only He can reach. 


Today’s One Thing 

Worship God today in a new way. Set aside 10 minutes today to open your heart fully to Him. Put on some praise music that moves you and relax in His presence. Worship Him with words of thanksgiving. And then sit quietly and listen for His reply. 

Go Deeper

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