[Ag-eq] New member replying was

Susan Roe dogwoodfarm at verizon.net
Wed Apr 17 19:51:28 UTC 2013

Hi Jewel,

My Homer is a whether Toggenburg and we keep speculating on getting a 
Toggenburg doe already bred.

dogwoodfarm at verizon.net
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jewel" <jewelblanch at kinect.co.nz>
To: "Agricultural and Equestrean Division List" <ag-eq at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Ag-eq] New member replying was

>I have only 2 goats now, Heidi and Minstrel,  born in 2008.  There was a 
>third in that birthing,
> raggamuffin, but he died.
> They are crossbrebs, their dam, Sophie, having been a cross Saanen/alpine 
> and their sire,  Pan, a
> purebred Toggenburg.
> Heidi is Toggenburg brown, while Minstrel is alpine black;  both have the 
> typical swiss markings of
> white knee high stockings, a white snip on the face, white ears, white 
> stripe down the back and a
> white tail.
> I used to have a herd of 12 goats years ago, which I milked by hand:  fool 
> that I was:  but,
> eventually, I was able to buy a milking machine that had been adapted for 
> dairy goats.
> I froze a lot of milk that  I used over winter when the goats were dry, 
> and at one time, I also was
> able to feed 3 calves.
> i first started with a goat when I was still living with my parents.  Then 
> when I moved out on my
> own, I lived in a seaside suburb of Christchurch so was unable to continue 
> with goats until I moved
> out to Belfast 7 years later.
> I have had goats, continuously since then and that was 1972.
> I don't have a buck so Heidi has not had kids, and as she is 4 and a half, 
> it is abit late to start,
> but I am thinking about getting another buck and perhaps a couple of does 
> so that I can get back to
> my beloved goat's milk.
> Years ago, I broke my leg but I only wore a cast for 3 weeks and then a 
> knee brace for 1 before I
> was able to do all my usual jobs outside and was just using a walking 
> stick.
> I always creditted my lightning recovery:  I was 55 at the time:  to my 
> having drunk goat's milk for
> so many years prior to my fall into the Mataura River.
> and now, quickly, to answer your other questions:   Your assumption that * 
> chooks are chickents was
> right on the money.
> When I was able to walk well, I could get into town in quarter of an hour.
> As the crow flies, I don't know just how far Gore is from the coast, but 
> when my sister had a
> cottage on the Mataura estuary, it was about an hour's drive, meaning that 
> that would be 50 miles.
> New Zealand is in the South west Pacific and holds the unique position of 
> being the most remote
> country in the world, with its nearest neighbour, apart from scattered 
> islands being Australia, 1200
> miles to the west of it.
> Jewel
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: <nfoster at extremezone.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 12:32 AM
> To: "Agricultural and Equestrean Division List" <ag-eq at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Re: [Ag-eq] New member replying was
> Jewl:
> I love learning about new people and new places, so am excited that you 
> joined
> our list.
> Thanks for explaining a hectare.
> What kind of sheep and goats do you have?
> My goats are Nubians, which are a dairy breed.  I use the milk to make 
> cheese,
> yogurt and soap.  I also cook with it and drink it.  I'm not sure what 
> kind of
> sheep Oliver is; he's white with a few very small black sponts on his face 
> and
> shoulders.
> Maybe this is a stupid question, but are chooks; chickens?
> Thanks for telling us more about New Zealand.  I'm embarrassed to say that 
> I
> wouldn't be able to find it on a globe!  How far are you from the coast?
> Also how far are you from a town?
> I also have a small crop of healthy weeds going.  Some types of weeds seem 
> to
> even thrive in the desert.  I've never tried hydroponic gardening and know 
> very
> little about it.
> I look forward to reading your future posts.
> Nella
> Quoting Jewel <jewelblanch at kinect.co.nz>:
>> Nella!  Apart from my good friend, Jody, yours is the first post I have 
>> had
>> from this list:  what an
>> honour!
>> I have forgotten, exactly,  how many acres plus square yards there is in 
>> a
>> hectare, but it is just a
>> bit over 2 acres.
>> I now have 10 ewes, and 2 goats.  I have also had cattle, a couple of 
>> free
>> range pigs and a number
>> of free-ranging chooks!
>> Jody knhows all about chooks don't you Jody!
>> Guideon is a crossbred German Shepherd/Labradolr, but I try to forget 
>> that
>> half of his genes are
>> those of the Lab, and, to his credit, he makes the forgetting of that
>> disagreeable fact quite easy!
>> New Zealand is a very long country, being 1000 miles from North Cape: 
>> that
>> is the northernmost
>> point:  now who would have guessed that:  to Slope Point which is the
>> southernmost, but it is,
>> likewise, very narrow:  no place being further than 200 miles from a 
>> coast.
>> I have been told that our land area is roughly that of California, but we 
>> are
>> a very
>> lightly-populated country:  and long may it remain so:   having only the
>> barest tick over 5 million
>> inhabitants:  a third of that live in the combined cities of greater
>> Auckland.
>> Being so long, New Zealand encompasses several climatic zones, so we go 
>> from
>> subtropical in the far
>> north to cool temperate in Southland, which is where I have lived since 
>> 1986.
>> I am rather embarrassed to have to admit that much of my 2 * gardens are
>> occupied by thriving
>> plantations of weeds with which I am, constantly, at war;  However, I 
>> have
>> been told, and like to
>> think that it is true that healthy weeds denote healthy soil, so my soil 
>> must
>> be very healthy if one
>> is to use the health of the weeds as a yardstick.
>> For the past 3 years, I have been trying to grow vegetables 
>> hydroponically.
>> Many people have great
>> success with the  system, but I am not one of them so I have given up!
>>        Jewel--------------------------------------------------
>> From: <nfoster at extremezone.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 3:59 PM
>> To: "Jewel" <jewelblanch at kinect.co.nz>; "Agricultural and Equestrean 
>> Division
>> List"
>> <ag-eq at nfbnet.org>
>> Subject: Re: [Ag-eq] New member replying was
>> Welcome Jewel:
>> So glad you joined us.
>> Do you know how large a hectare is; I know it's larger than an acre, but 
>> not
>> sure how much.
>> What type of live stock do you keep?
>> I live in Phoenix Arizona, keep some live stock and a garden.  I have a
>> horse,
>> an elderly mule, 5 goats, 1 sheep and 9 hens.  I have a couple of citris
>> trees
>> and a small garden that I grow in raised beds.
>> Phoenix is in the desert, so there are a lot of things that just won't 
>> grow
>> here.  I have to water everything and it frequently gets over 112 
>> degrees.
>> I look forward to hearing more from you.
>> Nella
>> Quoting Jewel <jewelblanch at kinect.co.nz>:
>> > New member out there somewhere?  Guess that's me: folk:  Jewel Blanch!
>> > Jody invited me to join this list as she thought that it might be right 
>> > up
>> my
>> > alley, so I did, and
>> > now it is up to you to see that she spoke nothing but the truth.
>> > Just a word or 3 about me!
>> > I live on the outskirts of Gore:  a small town of 7 to 8000 
>> > inhabitants:
>> > being the only town of any
>> > significance in Eastern Southland New Zealand.
>> > I own a property of 1.1 hectares plus; the plus  being the floodbank 
>> > which,
>> > many years ago, belonged
>> > to the former owners but was bought by Environment South, the body 
>> > whose
>> > responsibility it is to
>> > manage floodbanks etc.
>> > Actually, when I bought the property in 1986, I was shown the cheque 
>> > for 10
>> > cents that Environment
>> > South had paid for the floodbank, and which, not surprisingly, the 
>> > Grahams
>> > had never bothered to
>> > cash, but were keeping for a rainy day, or perhaps just a rather misty 
>> > one!
>> > I call my spread the BlanchRanch.  This was just a fun name at first, 
>> > but
>> is
>> > now official and is the
>> > name by which I trade at my stock and station agent.
>> > I have a long history of keeping livestock, but more of that in later 
>> > posts
>> > because, without
>> > counting, I feel sure  that my personal allocation of * 3 words must 
>> > have
>> > been reached and exceeded
>> > some time ago.
>> >
>> >       Jewel
>> >
>> >
>> >
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