[Ag-eq] Gardening

Jewel jewelblanch at kinect.co.nz
Fri Apr 19 02:30:15 UTC 2013

I haven't got the relevant message at hand, but, I think, that it may have come from Tracy, in 
which, amongst other interesting things, she told us of how she had topped up her raised garden 
plots with extra soil that was rich with wild grass seed and that she now was cursed with unwanted 
"tough as a nut" grass, which in my mind is a polite name for weed, and who needs to be polite to a 
I was going to plant a butterfly shrub, or some such beauty, in a new garden I had created at one 
end of my sun deck.  It was, to all intents and purposes, pure compost, and the nurseryman thought 
that it would be too rich, so what I did was to get some ordinary soil from the garden, and with the 
thought that I didn't want to introduce weeds, I microwaved the garden soil to kill any seeds that 
were in there.
I accepted the fact that in nuking the seeds I would be doing no favour for the soil's microflora 
and organisms, but as it was going to be surrounded by material that was, positively jumping with 
it, I was quite confident that the little creatures would soon find their way into the cooked soil.
And so it proved.  That was a year or more ago;  the plant looks great and still no weeds have grown 
in that patch of soil.


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