[Ag-eq] garden, chicks, horses

Jody Ianuzzi jody at thewhitehats.com
Fri May 3 01:20:11 UTC 2013

Hi Susan,

I like your idea of building the coop 2 feet off the ground.   That way they
have all the space underneath to stay dry and warmer.  

Our coop has a hardware cloth floor with spaced 2 by 4s underneath.  The
droppings fall under the coop in the sand where we can rake them up.  We
hose down the inside where the boards get dirty.  All three sides have
chicken wire on them and the back of the coop is the back wall of the barn.
There is a roof  and a nesting box on the side which  you can open from the
outside.  It is on the north side of the barn so it never gets direct sun.
There is a big oak tree next to the coop which provides shade and protection
from flying preditors.

The chickens have free range of the whole property but they stay pretty
close to the coop.


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