[Ag-eq] a visit with children

nfoster at extremezone.com nfoster at extremezone.com
Sun May 12 17:21:55 UTC 2013

Yesterday one of my coworkers brought her grand children over to see the
animals.  They were both under 5, so had lots of energy and questions.  They
were frightened at first, but were much more comfortable by the time they left.

They fed the goats apples and carrots, so then the goats wanted to follow them
everywhere.  They also fed Jack and Cruiser and had pony rides on Jack.  As
usual Jack was a perfect gentleman and walked slowly and carefully.  In the
beginning they were afraid of Jack, but after sitting on him they were willing
to take a few steps and after a few steps they didn't want to stop!  Jack is 30
and seen and done most everything, to my knowledge nothing upsets him.  He
seemed to enjoy his little outing.  I love being able to share the animals with
other people this way.


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