[Ag-eq] Anyone going to Orlando for the NFB 2013 Convention?

Fred's Win7 Catastrophe regenerative at earthlink.net
Tue May 14 20:39:08 UTC 2013

Hello, and sorry for the loooooooooon-loooooooooong email drought from me!
My super awesome Kiwi wife died, which was a major set-back for 
me.  We  collaborated on  work projects, so her death forced a lot of 
changes, big cut in my income, less efficient use of my time, (and 
her time, too)  etc.

My main email computer (that runs XP) died.  I lost my 
iPhone.  My  tandem bike got stolen.  My garden is overflowing with 
stawberries, tomatoes,  nasturshims, weeds etc.  Sorry!

Otherwise, I'm fit, tan, healthy, and busy working as a beer brewer 
and ghost writer, starting two businesses, and volunteering!

Anyhow, I am President of the NFB's Agriculture and Equestrian 
Division.  I lost all my files, so don't remember who the other 
officers were, partly also because I haven't attended  a natonal 
convention  for about -4-years!

This morning, Marion, the President of NAGDU is putting together his 
agenda for their meetings on Monday and Wednesday nights.  They've 
been having trouble getting guide dogs into zoos.  He was wondering 
if he could get some of us to attend the Monday meeting, and  maybe 
share experiences.  The director of the US Zoo something-or-other 
will be  attending, and NAGDU will  demand/request a nationwide 
guideline allowing dog guides in zoos.

I probably will not be attending.  Will any of you?  Let's kick this around.

Fred Chambers

Ag & Eq Division NFB

+1.760.505.8500 cell/txt  

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