[Ag-eq] Produce and feet

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Mon Jul 29 17:38:49 UTC 2013

Hi Nella and all.
I grind Ben's nails with a small Dremmel.  It does a great job, and keeps
his nails short without ever cutting the quick.

Poor Jodi, living in a swamp!  Rice sounds good, though.

Last night, I made pasta with sauteed garlic, kale and cherry tomatoes
from my garden.  Boy, it was good, if I do say so myself!
I harvested my cabbage a couple weeks ago, and I'm still getting a little
broccoli.  The big tomatoes are coming on, and so is the zuccini.  I've
got a good basil crop.  I also harvested all my garlic.
I think the next big harvest will be potatoes.  I'm still waiting for my
pole beans to start beaning.  Once they get started, I should get a nice
steady harvest.
When I get back from vacation, it should be time to put in fall crops like
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and turnips.
The fig tree has lots of figs, but they're taking their sweet time
ripening.  It also looks like I'll have a lot of apples.

This summer, I planted flowering tobacco, nicotiana, which I hadn't
planted in a while.  It smells wonderful in the evening.  It makes taking
the dog out for his last outing something of a treat.
Tracy, happy in the Garden State

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