[Ag-eq] Update on Rambo

Jewel jewelblanch at kinect.co.nz
Sat Sep 28 03:55:48 UTC 2013

He is the most delightful little creature and is becoming my constant companion, in and out of the 
house, but I have to be fair to Guideon because I do have to keep him tied up when Rambo is out of 
his pen as I do not trust him, Guideon that is:  not to make a meal of the lamb.
When I went to bed last night, I found a large wet patch on the sheet and duvet.  I assume that 
someone, hopefully, it was not Guideon paying me back for my treachery, but Rambo who is not 
house-trained:  can a sheep be house-trained?
I sniffed the wet patch but it didn't smell like piddle?  what else could it have been?  Fred, my 
household live-in entity up to his pranks again:  I wouldn't  put it past the bugger to spirit water 
from the bathroom to the bedroom!
However, whoever  or whatever had done the deed had been very thoughtful because where I lie in the 
bed was untouched so I just let the patch dry out around me, which it had done by  the morning.
I am teaching Rambo to sit on command, and I really think that he will.  I told him that he was, 
without the shadow of a doubt, the cleverest sheep ever born, but I added the caveat that being the 
cleverest sheep ever born should not go to his head as sheep are not noted for their cleverness!  !, 
that could be because noone expects them to be clever so seldom put their brains to work, and brains 
they must have otherwise the sheep brains fritters that were served for breakfast every Wednesday 
morning when I was at the school for the blind when a child, and which I, steadfastly, refused to 
consume could not have been, and, in my opinion, the world would have been none the worse for their 


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