[Ag-eq] Garden

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Thu Aug 11 13:18:56 UTC 2016

The pole beans I have in a big pot out front are in bloom.  They have
8-12-inch flower vines with big, scarlet flowers along them, that will turn
into small, flat, purple bean pods.  Pretty cool.

I've gotten 1 big tomato so far.  I would have gotten more, but the darn
squirrels took a couple just before they were ripe, took a bite or two, then
dropped them on the ground.  I hate squirrels.

I should be putting in my fall veg, but the groundhog has got me so
depressed I haven't started.  Another pesky squirrel relative.  I have some
chicken wire, and some netting, so I guess I'll try those to keep the
varmints out.

Hope other people are having more success than I am this year.



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