[Ag-eq] A Guideon story

Jewel jewelblanch at kinect.co.nz
Sat Sep 17 08:08:52 UTC 2016

Yesterday, I had a pair of dry socks hanging on the clothes line, so I took them down, rolled them 
up and put them on the ground beside the laundry basket of wet washing.
Of course, having a mind as leaky as a sieve, I forgot them and when I remembered, they were not 
where I had left them;  Guideon had * tidied them away.
I told him to fetch the socks, but he didn't know what socks were, so he brought me a plastic plant 
pot with some soil in it.  Socks/soil both start with s o so he was on the right trail.
However, it was socks I wanted, not soil, so I took it off him and repeated that it was the socks I 
After a little while, he returned with the plant pot, but this time, as well as the soil, there was 
a pair of rolled up socks in it, They, most definitely, had not been there when he first brought it.


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