[Ag-eq] Yesterday

Jewel jewelblanch at kinect.co.nz
Sat Dec 9 00:51:55 UTC 2017

It would be safe to say that Gore is experiencing a drought.  Met records show that we have had only 
81% of our normal annual rainfall, and it hasn't rained:  beyond the isolated drop or two: for, 
perhaps a couple of months, but * yesterday we did get rain:  of a sort:  enough, anyway,  to dampen 
the ground and that which rose above it.
I was in the greenhouse, when the raindrops  became audible as they fell upon the roof, when I 
became aware of a terrific yelling.
I poked my head out the door in an attempt to locate the source of this cacophony, and found that it 
emanated from a lone ewe standing on the top of the floodbank.
Was she saying:  "HELP--HELP!  my kingdom for an umbrella!" or, on the other hand, was it: 
"RAIN--RAIN!  if this be RAIN, give me more of it!"


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