[Ag-eq] Westminster Dog Show

dogwood farm dogwoodfarm62 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 16 00:54:17 UTC 2018

I don't know if anyone on the list watched the dog show earlier this
week, but my husband and I did and now we are doing the happy dance!
You ask
 why?  Well, I'll tell you.

My cousin, Wes, breeds and shows Golden Retreavers and has done so for quite a
 while.  His two year old male, Decoy qualified to participate in the
 Westminster dog show in New York, which happened the first of this
 week.  There were over 201 breeds represented and over 2,800 dogs and
 representing all 50 states and 16 countries.  The Golden Retreaver
 class had 52 dogs and Decoy won Reserve Grand Champion.  This means he
 was the number 2 dog in all the AKC showings.

Matt already has a list of breeds he is researching for another inside
dog.  Matt was texting Wes the entire time they were in New York.  I
told Wes that if Matt had gone with them, they would have had to leave
him in the room because he would have driven them crazy wanting to be
everywhere seeing/petting/hugging any dog he could have gotten hold
of.  .  Wes said there were so many people there that they couldn't
even get close to watch his class, so they found someone who was
sitting in the front row to film it for them.  Decoy's handler was
suppose to be a guy named David, however, when they  arrived and while
unloading the cages, there was greese on the floor and David slipped
 and face planted flat on the floor.  He spent all of Monday in the
emergency room because they thought he tore his rotater cuff.  David's
wife Jennifer, had to fly up from Georgia to show the remaining 3
dogs.  He was showing/handleing 5 dogs in the two days.

dogwoodfarm62 at gmail.com

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