[Ag-eq] Dogs

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Mon Feb 19 14:33:08 UTC 2018

I've heard the best way to work with a terrier is to make it think what you
want was its idea.  I don't think I'm that clever, or devious.  

I could see, if I had an Airedale guide, telling it to turn right to go back
to the office, and Doggo saying "The park is to the left, and it's a lot
more fun.  Let's go left."  Though my lab/golden does that sometimes, too.

I had a friend who had a shepherd who knew my friend hated to go back to
work, so the dog would bring her to the ice cream shop instead.  Hard to say
No to that!


I know an owner/trainer whose first guide was a walker coonhound.  She says
the dog was very good at looking up, towards the treetops, you know, but not
so good at looking down.  Breeding will tell.



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