[AG-EQ] Christmas Cactus Care

dogwood farm dogwoodfarm62 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 20:41:07 UTC 2019

How to Grow a Christmas Cactus
By Marie Iannotti
Marie Iannotti is an author, photographer, and speaker with 27 years
of experience as a Cornell Cooperative Extension Horticulture Educator
and Master Gardener

You might think a cactus makes for an unusual Christmas plant, but
when the Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgessii) is covered in
blooms, it is a most welcome sight in the middle of winter.

Given some minimal care, your Christmas cactus will bloom on its own.
However, it might not bloom for the holidays. If you want your plant
to be on full display during the holiday season, you will have to
force it into dormancy about 8 weeks before you want flowers. It
sounds complicated, but it really does not require much effort. The
hardest part is remembering to do it.

Getting Your Christmas Cactus to Bloom
To have your Christmas cactus bloom at Christmas time, you will
probably need to force it, by first sending it into dormancy and then
coaxing it out. Follow these steps, starting in mid-fall.

01In mid-October, reduce watering. Only water when the soil feels dry
about an inch below the surface. Do not fertilize while forcing.

02Keep your Christmas cactus cool. Ideally, you want it at 50 to 55 F / 12 C.

03Begin to limit the amount of light the plant receives. The plant can
remain in indirect light during the day, but it will need at least 12
to 14 hours of total darkness at night, for the flower buds to
develop. (If the room is warmer than the ideal 50 to 55 F, give your
plant an extra couple of hours of darkness each day.) The easiest way
to do this is to place the Christmas cactus in a room or closet with a
door that does not get opened at night. If light gets under the door,
you will need to take the additional step of covering the plant with a
dark cloth or bag. Continue this treatment for about 6 to 8 weeks. At
that point, you should see flower buds developing on the stems.

04Once you see flower buds, move your Christmas cactus out of the
darkness and near a bright window. Make sure it is not near any
drafts, or the cold will cause it to drop its buds.

The flowers should start opening within a couple of weeks. Each flower
will remain open for at least 6 days, probably more, and the plant
should continue to bloom for 4 to 6 weeks.

Growing Tips
Unlike the desert-loving cacti many of us are used to, Christmas
cactus is a native of tropical rainforests and needs regular water, to
remain healthy.

The flattened leaves are actually stemmed segments that hang and drape
from containers and baskets. The flowers will form at the ends of
these stems, so the more stems your plant has, the more flowers. The
traditional flower color was red, but now you can find Christmas cacti
in a myriad of flower colors including red, pink, lavender, and peach.

To encourage more stems, grow your Christmas cactus as a hanging plant
or place it somewhere where it has room to drape. Don’t worry about
rubbing up against it. Christmas cactus plants do not have thorns.

Here’s what your Christmas cactus needs to grow well.
Light: They prefer a diffused light, although Christmas cacti sitting
in a bright chilly window have been known to bloom profusely. They are
very adaptable at adjusting to growing conditions.

Water: Water the plant thoroughly, allowing the excess water to run
out through the drainage hole. Allow the soil to dry almost completely
between waterings. Never let the soil sit wet. You will know if the
soil is too dry when the leaves start to pucker and shrivel.

Humidity: The Christmas cactus also needs humidity, especially when
grown in the dry conditions of heated homes. Either mist it or place a
tray of pebbles sitting in the water underneath the plant. Do not let
the water touch the bottom of the pot.

Fertilizer: Feed monthly with a diluted water-soluble fertilizer
during spring and summer. Withhold fertilizer when the buds set and
resume after flowering.

Temperature: The Christmas cactus isn't fussy about temperature.
Ideally, they like it warm 70 to 80 F. During the growing season and
cooler 55 to 65 F while setting buds.

Other Tips
Keep away from frequently opened doors and drafty windows. They don't
like sudden drafts and will drop their buds or flowers if exposed to

Pruning lightly after flowering re-energizes the plant.

Christmas cacti tend to bloom better if they are kept slightly pot bound.

Don’t be surprised if your Christmas cactus blooms sporadically
throughout the year. A happy Christmas cactus will do that.

The plants are extremely long-lived and propagate easily from cuttings.

Older plants are even more prolific bloomers than new Christmas Cacti.

Christmas cacti seem to thrive on neglect. Don’t be tempted to fuss over them.

dogwoodfarm62 at gmail.com

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