[AG-EQ] My garden

Jewel jewelblanch at kinect.co.nz
Sat Dec 14 06:31:10 UTC 2019

As I have moaned about more than once, I have the greatest difficulty in getting table vegetables to 
tgrow, while every weed seed that works its way into the soil has no difficulty at all.  I have 
tried giving my vegies a good pep talk and reminding them that they are, but, domesticated weeds so 
why not follow the example of their untamed rellies.
Pep talk as I may, I have not been able to persuade any of them, or, at least, very few, to grow.
I planted some silver beat and a couple of cabbage seedlings  at the beginning of winter, and then 
just forgot about them, so when I happened to glance in their direction last night, didn't I get a 
surprise when I found these enormous plants that were all in the pink of health, and, my dear 
friends, not a drop of Thrive or other fertiliser had been applied.


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