[Art_beyond_sight_educators] Esref Armagan pictures exhibited by Manifesta 8

Lisa Yayla Lisa.Yayla at statped.no
Wed Nov 3 15:05:01 UTC 2010


Forwarding news about Esref Armagan from John Kennedy.



Esref Armagan pictures exhibited by Manifesta 8

In Spain, the Region of Murcia, and the city of Cartagena host Manifesta 8, an exhibition including Esref Armagan pictures. There were more than 30.000 visits to Manifesta 8 in the first week.

 Manifesta8, the European Biennial of Contemporary Art, takes place in the Region of Murcia, in southern Spain, in dialogue with northern Africa, from October 9, 2010 until January 9, 2011

 Manifesta 8 showcases art from all disciplines featuring multi-media installation, film, performance, dance and music, and makes use of both traditional and unconventional art channels in co-operation with such media outlets as newspapers, radio, television and the Internet.

In the first week Manifesta 8 recorded more than 30.000 visits by the local audience and artists, curators, and art professionals from around the globe, together with over 500 international journalists (source: Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Region of Murcia).  The curatorial team of Manifesta 8 includes the Chamber of Public Secrets (Khaled Ramadan, Alfredo Cramerotti) who arranged an exhibition of 6 drawings and 12 paintings by Esref Armagan, who was born totally blind.  The drawings were supplied by Dr John M Kennedy, University of Toronto, from his research studies with Esref Armagan. The exhibition includes a video of Esref working with John Kennedy, and Kennedy text discussing Esref's pictures>

On Sunday, October 10, 2010, Toronto-based professor of psychology Kennedy lectured at MUBAM, Museo de Bellas Artes de Murcia, one of the venues of Manifesta 8, on the Esref exhibition exhibition and the curation by Chamber of Public Secrets. Esref Armagan demonstrated his drawing abilities and was interviewed by local media (with the aid of translation by Joan Eroncel).

Manifesta is the roaming European Biennial of Contemporary Art organized by the Manifesta Foundation (Amsterdam). Access to all 2010 venues and education activities is free. More information on the ongoing education program can be found at:


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