[Art_beyond_sight_educators] Thing-Matic 3D printer builder set, Image Feature Sonification, Painter, exhibition

fnugg at online.no fnugg at online.no
Fri Mar 11 13:26:29 UTC 2011

The MakerBot Thing-O-Matic 3D printer is a breakthrough in 3D printing 
technology. We've named it the Thing-O-Matic because it is an automatic 
3D printer. All other 3D printers can only do one thing at a time while 
the MakerBot Thing-O-Matic 3D printer prints thing after thing! Buy it, 
assemble it, and enjoy being the first on your block to live in the 
cutting-edge personal manufacturing future of tomorrow!
Wiki for Thing-O-Matic, CupCake CNC


EdgeSonic: Image Feature Sonification for the Visually Impaired

Edith McClean won first place in the acrylic category. The artist, said 
Randall, "is about ninety-ish, she's legally blind and she constantly 
gets prizes. She sells more artwork these days."

John Brambitt


      Art show questions perceptions on senses

UK charity BlindArt's "Touching Art, Touching you," exhibition has come 
to Banbury.

This incredible art exhibition can be found at Banbury Museum in the 
Castle Quay shopping centre, and is being provided in collaboration with 
two local charities, Oxfordshire Association for the Blind and Banbury 
Macular Disease Society.

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