[Art_beyond_sight_educators] Hayhoe: Expanding Our Vision of Museum Education and Perception, Harvard Educ Rev

fnugg at online.no fnugg at online.no
Fri Aug 9 12:29:26 UTC 2013

The Spring issue of the Harvard Education Review, HARVARD EDUC REV VOL 
83 #1 <http://www.pssconline.com/item.wws?Sku=0017-8055-831>,  is 
entitled Expanding Our Vision for the Arts in Education. Especially of 
note, Simon Hayhoe has published in it his findings from my study of 
blind visitors studying painting at The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Expanding Our Vision of Museum Education and Perception: 
An Analysis of Three Case Studies of Independent Blind Arts Learners

In this study, Simon Hayhoe investigates the experiences of blind museum 
visitors in the context of the relationships between the artworks they 
learned about in museums, those they experienced when younger, and the 
social, cultural, and emotional influences of their museum experiences. 
The three case studies he presents support his hypothesis that, for 
blind visitors, proximity to works of art is at least as important as 
perceiving the art itself. This finding questions Gombrich's theory of 
the economy of vision and Jay's theory of scopics and supports the 
notion that exclusion from art in this context is more passive than active.

*Simon Hayhoe* is a member of the faculty at Sharjah Higher Colleges of 
Technology (United Arab Emirates) and a Centre Research Associate at the 
London School of Economics (U.K.). His work has focused on blindness and 
visual culture, blindness and education, grounded theory, disability 
culture and epistemology and, most recently, analysis of cultural 
attitudes toward disabled people in Arab countries and developing 
methodology. His most recent publications include /Grounded Theory and 
Disability Studies/ (Cambria Press, 2012), "The Development of a 
Sustainable Disabled Population in the Countries of the Cooperation 
Council for the Arab States of the Gulf," in /Global Sustainable 
Communities Design Handbook/ (Elsevier, forthcoming), and "Towards an 
Inter-Cultural Dialogue on Disability between Arab Muslims and Western 
Christians," in /Intercultural Communication with Arabs/ (Macmillan 
Palgrave, forthcoming). Prior to working in his current post, Hayhoe was 
a fellow at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, funded by a 
Fulbright All Disciplines Scholars Award.


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