[Art_beyond_sight_educators] Calendar of events ABS A Part of, Not Apart from
fnugg at online.no
fnugg at online.no
Fri Oct 16 07:02:36 UTC 2015
Sending information from Art Beyond Sight about their yearly telephone
crash course.
"The 2015 theme *A Part Of, Not Apart
is all about inclusion, and that includes you! As we had mentioned last
week, our goal with this year's Awareness Month is to facilitate a
year-round platform for direct engagement for the Awareness Month
community, particularly cultural organizations, disability membership,
advocacy and service organizations. We hope that you had the chance to
check out this platform and noticed we already started to make changes
to better fit everyone¹s needs.
Share your events <http://www.projectaccessforall.org/events>on the
calendar, your thoughts and articles in the newsroom
<http://www.projectaccessforall.org/newsroom>and, importantly, your
feedback <http://www.projectaccessnyc.org/feedback>with us in October
and November. We know the website might have a few ³kinks², so please
help us improve by telling us what you find that needs fixing.
In October, help us celebrate how you¹ve gone above and beyond the ADA
to widen your welcome for people with disabilities and enable them to
become active contributors to the life of your institution. In November,
we'd like to turn the focus to employment for people with disabilities
within cultural organizations. Here are a few ways you can join us in
the celebration:
*Dial in to our 13^th Annual Crash Course*.
Our annual professional development teleconference has undergone a
makeover this year, and it¹s bigger and better than ever. Instead of one
day-long intensive conference, we¹re offering at least one hour¹s worth
of programming every weekday in October. Session topics will range from
technology and art to multi-sensory learning and museum accessibility,
with a few fun surprises along the way. For a full schedule and dial-in
information, visit our events page and calendar
link to calendar of events
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