[Art_beyond_sight_educators] Maps

Lisa Yayla Lisa.Yayla at statped.no
Mon Jan 4 05:15:25 UTC 2016

Ability is in the mind


3D Printing Technique "Didú" Helps Visually Impaired Feel Art

Public Works: Maps for the Blind

A San Francisco group is creating tactile and audio maps of transit stations. What measures has the TTC taken to accommodate the visually impaired?


Students honored: tasked with 3D tactile map for visually impaired

When the Fab Lab students came to the tech table last year, little did they know the difference one summer's work would make.

PCC student workers Sandra Perez, Chi Yeung "Bennie" Chiu, Bryce Van Ross, Carlos Andrade, Joseph de Alba and Peter Ngo were presented a unique opportunity and task through PCC's Design Technology department.

Their mission: to produce a portable 3D tactile map containing a topographical layout, navigating symbols and Braille characters to assist the visually impaired. Commissioned for Frances Blend Elementary school, the map was to be designed to teach navigating skills to visually impaired grade school students.


Project Tango: Google's 3D mapping technology coming to phones THIS YEAR, letting you scan the world around you

Maps That You Can Hear and Touch
Maps for Transit

Using maps is a major part of using public transit. That's why Dr. Joshua Miele<http://www.ski.org/Rehab/JAMiele/>, a scientist at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute in San Francisco, partnered with LightHouse<http://lighthouse-sf.org/>, a local organization for the blind, to create accessible maps of every BART transit station.

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