[Art_beyond_sight_educators] maps, wayfaring

Lisa Yayla Lisa.Yayla at statped.no
Mon Jan 4 05:28:13 UTC 2016

A great aid for the visually challenged goes unnoticed
NATMO makes Braille maps, but many say it is not doing enough to market them

The country's foremost map producing organisation, NATMO, started producing Braille maps a decade and a half ago. But few are aware of this.


Custom New app to enable visually impaired walk freely launched

3D Comes to Aid Visually Impaired

Now maps are going the 3D way. Developers at the University of Buffalo-Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access (IDeA Center), US, in association with Touch Graphics, a tactile graphics company based in the US, have created a multi-sensory modelled map. This technology aims to help the visually impaired, but will be available for all to use in public spaces.

These models were first incorporated at Perkins School for the Blind in Massachusetts, US, where the layout of the campus was inculcated in the map. These models use conductive paint on 3D printed miniature buildings to sense pressure from human fingers. These prototypes will offer high-tech details of buildings and architectural infrastructure once you touch upon a part of the map.

As you move around the map, a voice will announce the names of buildings and give you directions. There is a button to control menu options and browse the index. They have added sound effects to help users identify each space. For example, a fountain gurgles when tapped and a bell tower chimes.


Visually-impaired kids turn navigators

Talking 3D Maps Help The Visually Impaired Get Around

Talking 3D Map Simplifies Wayfinding
http://www.buildings.com/news/industry-news/articleid/18331/title/talking-3d-map-simplifies-wayfinding-.aspx -Scanned by Exchange Hosted Services-

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