[Blind-international-students] meeting minutes

jan wright jan.wrightfamily5 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 14:43:53 UTC 2010

The meeting Began at 8:15 P.M. (EST).

Those in attendance  were  Hina, Anmol, Zaby, Jan,  Philip and Imran.

The goals and mission statement were read again. It was suggested and
adopted to change “ Legally blind,” and “Blind and Low Vision”  to
“Those with significant vision loss.”
It was  pointed out that there are already international databases of
organizations. So, instead of reinventing the wheel, we will
“evaluate” already existing databases and make attempts to add to them
or correct them if/when possible.
The goals and mission statement were accepted as corrected.

Zaby  is going to Pakistan, Karachi to evaluate an organization where
blind people live and work. He will give us a report of his findings
when he returns. We wish him luck and a safe trip.
There was much discussion concerning publicity.
Anmol was to write an add for us to put on the email lists, etc.
We realize that we don't have a website, yet, but we could advertise
the blind-international-student mailing list
and our conference calls.
Anmol talked about putting  an advertisement in the Ziggler Magazine,
MIUSA  and the Braille  forum.
Hina will put  something on the technology list.
Everyone should put a blurb about the organization    on their email lists, etc.
We could also advertise on newsline, Braille Monitor and the Student division.
We also discussed making a web site.
Philip and Imran can create the web page.
Imran will look into setting  up a website and have a mailing list on freelists.

We discussed grant writing and defining projects that are important to
us. Hina would talk to Katy about grant writing. Anmol would
investigate the grant from AAPD.
Next meeting is   on Halloween.  The exact time is to be announced.
This meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Jan Wright (am in the process of changing my last name to Ahmed)

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