[Blind-rollers] For anyone in the UK

Sasha Ayres sashaallears at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Mar 21 14:59:13 UTC 2010

Hi Erica,

The Miniguide is a lovely little gadget.

I haven't seen the K Sonar but I'm deaf so it wouldn't work for me either.  I think the K Sonar is supposed to provide a bit more information than the Miniguide? The Miniguide vibrates faster the closer you get to an obstacle. It detects most obstacles directly ahead and just slightly to the sides. It can't detect down steps or drop-offs and it won't detect single up steps because they are not high enough.  It does great for posts, people, walls, etc.

With a bit of imagination you can attach the Miniguide to your leg or arm or even put it around your neck if you don't have enough hands to hold it.

I love mine.

If I was closer to you I'd offer to come and show it to you but I'm in north Wales.  Do try to look at it if you can, it's fab!



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